Matthew Campbell
Oregon State University,
Corvallis, Oregon
Matthew Campbell is a Ph.D. candidate in mathematics education at Oregon State University. His research focuses on how mathematics teachers develop the skill and resources for ambitious teaching practice in the various learning settings of professional education. His dissertation, under the direction of Dr. Rebekah Elliott, is a design research study from an activity theory perspective that investigates the extent to which purposefully designed opportunities for rehearsal in secondary mathematics methods courses contribute to the development of tools that mediate the enactment of ambitious teaching in school classrooms. Matthew has also focused on the specialized mathematical learning opportunities for teachers in collaborative settings as part of the NSF-funded, multi-institution project, Researching Mathematics Leader Learning (RMLL), and as part of work with school-based professional learning communities. As a teacher educator, Matthew has taught a wide range of undergraduate and graduate-level courses for prospective teachers and has been involved with the development and implementation of professional development for practicing teachers. Prior to his time at Oregon State, Matthew taught high school mathematics and was then a graduate research and teaching assistant at North Carolina State University while he earned his Master’s degree in mathematics education.
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