EMS Scholarship 2012 Recipient
Marta Garcia
Asheville, North Carolina
Marta Garcia is a District Elementary Mathematics Coach in Asheville, North Carolina. She has B.A and M. A. degrees in Elementary Education and has taught at the elementary school level for over twenty years. Marta was awarded the Presidential Award for Mathematics and Science Teaching in 2001. She is an experienced facilitator of Developing Mathematical Ideas workshops and has been on staff at the Mathematics Leadership Institute at Mount Holyoke for the past six years. Marta facilitates workshops for TERC (Investigations in Number, Data. and Space) and assists schools in implementing lesson studies, curriculum implementations and studio classrooms. Her participation in NSF research projects such as the Foundations of Algebra Project have contributed to her interests in supporting the range of learners in classrooms and promoting purposeful discourse.
This past year, she began pursuing her Elementary Mathematics Specialist Certification through a North Carolina state initiative. Marta is enrolled as a graduate student at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte where she has completed four of the six courses required for the certification. She is currently pursuing opportunities to assist her school district in identifying one teacher at each elementary school to become part of a cohort of teachers who will become lead mathematics specialists at their schools. Marta expresses a huge Thank You to AMTE's Elementary Mathematics Specialist Scholarship for their assistance!