Seventeenth AMTE Annual Conference - Conference App

AMTE Conference App
Download and try out the AMTE Conference App on your smartphone or tablet:

iPhone or iPad: Go to the APP STORE and search for "AMTE".
Android: Go to GOOGLE PLAY APP STORE and search for "AMTE".
Blackberry: Go to BLACKBERRY APP WORLD and search for "AMTE".

  • The AMTE Conference App is free of charge
  • Let the AMTE App help you navigate the conference!
  • The app icon should look like the icon above.



AMTE APP Password Information
To log in inside the Conference App, use the following info:

Email Address:  your email address
Password: 2013amte 
(NOTE: the same as the wireless access password — DO NOT click on “forgot password”—the system will try to give you a new password.)

There are 3 areas of the mobile app that are password protected:

  • My Infoview and edit your personal information
  • Attendeesa list of attendees at the conference, their email, and the option to send them messages within the app
  • Messagesview and reply to messages sent within the app

If you have any questions, email Tim Hendrix, AMTE Website Director at or find him at the conference.