Winter 2016

Volume No.: 
Issue No.: 

This issue features essential information about the AMTE 2017 Annual Conference, the newly elected members to the AMTE Board, news about our affiliates, and much more! We hope you find our Winter 2016 Newsletter interesting and informative. Have a wonderful winter break! Don't forget to engage with AMTE on Facebook or Twitter (@AMTENews).

Babette M. Benken, Editor

Revisiting the Past Two Years and Going Forward!

AMTE seeks your participation in a wider mathematics education community initiative.

Essential deadlines and conference highlights are provided.

Carla Gerberry & Sheila Doran, Xavier University

Suggestions for how to incorporate iPad technology into a geometry course for preservice teachers are shared.

Sararose Lynch, Westminster College

Learn more about Sararose's current work and experiences as a member of the 2014 STaR cohort.

Winning candidates for Secretary and Member-at-Large are announced.

Learn which of our AMTE publications may be best.

Information about recent happenings for a few of our AMTE Affiliates.

Recipients will be recognized at the 2017 Annual Conference.

A regular feature that poses a question to members...come read more!

Support AMTE during this historic time of the organization.

Budapest Semesters in Mathematics Education

The First Volume in AMTE's New Professional Book Series is Now Available!

Cases for Mathematics Teacher Educators: Facilitating Conversations about Inequities in Mathematics Classrooms (Editors: Dorothy Y. White, Sandra Crespo, and Mart Civil) provides an excellent resource to start conversations describing the enactment of these actions. The book is organized into three main sections: (1) Conversations About Inequities in Mathematics Methods Courses, (2) Conversations About Inequities in Mathematics Content Courses, and (3) Conversations about Inequities in Graduate and Professional Development Contexts. It is the product of the thinking and experiences of 87 authors who are committed to the improvement of mathematics teacher education.

The book can be purchased on the IAP website; AMTE members receive a 20% discount.

Connections is a quarterly online publication of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. The newsletter offers a peer-reviewed opportunity for members to disseminate information to the mathematics teacher education community.


Editorial Panel