Election 2013 - Christine D. Thomas


Christine D. Thomas
Associate Professor Mathematics Education, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia

Professional Work Experiences
I am currently an Associate Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Middle and Secondary Education at Georgia State University. As a former high school teacher, I have fourteen years’ experience teaching secondary mathematics. During that time I also served as high school mathematics department chair. My research focus, on high quality secondary mathematics teachers (HQSMT), is grounded in developing, enhancing, and retaining effective teachers of mathematics. An ongoing specific focus of my research is the investigation of the influence of a sustained community of practice on the retention of HQSMT in urban high need schools. As principal investigator of the Robert Noyce Urban Mathematics Educator program, my work in mathematics teacher education and research is supported by the National Science Foundation through a recent award of a Phase II project in the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program. Over the last fourteen years, I have received numerous grants through the state’s Teacher Quality Program and the state’s Mathematics and Science Partnership program to provide professional learning experiences for middle and secondary mathematics teachers. Also, I currently serve on the Content Technical Working Group in Mathematics for the Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC).

Service to AMTE and other professional organizations:
As an active member of AMTE, I have served the organization for several years in essential positions. I have served as a reviewer and member of the (2009) program committee; I served as a member of the Nominations and Elections committee (2009-2011) followed by two consecutive terms as chair (2011-2012). I served as a member to the AMTE Task Force (2011) for review and feedback on the draft of the MET II document. Further in my position as a member of the Board of Directors of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2009-2011), I served on the NCTM Task Force for development of the proposal to pursue a collaboration with AMTE in the initiation of the journal, The Mathematics Teacher Educator, and served as the NCTM representative for NCTM in the initial discussions with the AMTE Board.

Vision for and commitment to AMTE:
In this current climate of ongoing scrutiny of the effectiveness of teacher education programs, AMTE is well-positioned to support its members in addressing the issues and serve as an authority and public voice for mathematics teacher education.  My goal is to further solidify AMTE as the premier organization promoting the improvement of mathematics teacher education and supporting members in the dissemination of high-quality educational research and innovative models for teacher preparation and professional development. I am committed to advancing the mission and goals of AMTE and will work sedulously to promote the work of our organization.



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