Election 2014: Member-at-Large Candidate
Dorothy Y. White
Associate Professor,
Department of Mathematics and Science Education,
University of Georgia,
Athens, Georgia
Professional Work Experiences
I am currently an Associate Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Mathematics and Science Education at the University of Georgia. As a former preschool teacher, I teach undergraduate and master’s level courses for prospective elementary and middle school teachers, and doctoral courses in Critical Issues in Mathematics Education and Advanced Study of Teaching and Teacher Education. From 2011-13, I was a Professor-in-Residence and taught a methods course at Clarke Middle School as part of a Professional Development School (PDS) partnership with UGA and the Clarke County School District. In addition to my work as a mathematics teacher educator, I also provide professional development for PreK-8 teachers across the country. I currently coordinate the Grades PreK-2 strands of the NCTM “Connecting Number and Operations in the Classroom” Institute (2012-15). My research focuses on culture and equity in mathematics teacher education and collaborative planning in professional learning communities. I am currently the lead Editor for, Cases for teacher educators: Facilitating conversations about inequities in mathematics classrooms, an upcoming book for the AMTE Professional Book series. I regularly present at national and international conferences and have published my work in research and practitioner journals.
Service to AMTE and other professional organizations:
I began my service to AMTE in 2005 as a reviewer of conference proposals. In 2012, I served on the MET II Review Task Force and began my current role as a reviewer for the Mathematics Teacher Educator. For the past 20 months, I have chaired the Professional Development Committee to organize 4 webinars a year and to provide professional development experiences to the AMTE membership. In 2014, the committee organized the Learn and Reflect sub-strand on Preservice Teachers’ Field Experiences. In addition to my work with AMTE, I have served on the NCTM Research Committee (2008-10; Chair 2011), the National Research Council’s Committee on Evaluation of the Impact of Teacher Certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (2005-08) and the PME-NA Steering Committee (2002-05). I have also served on the editorial panels for the Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education - Special Issue on Equity (2009-12), the Journal of Urban Mathematics Education Founding Advisory Board (2008), the NCTM Mathematics for All: Instructional Strategies for Diverse Classrooms 3-book series, (2005-07) and Teaching Children Mathematics (2001-03; Chair 2004). I am currently a member of the Benjamin Banneker Association, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and TODOS: Mathematics for All.
Vision for and commitment to AMTE:
Maintaining a vibrant organization requires commitment, collaboration, and leadership. I am a longstanding member of AMTE and have supported the organization and the field of mathematics education in various capacities. These experiences have taught me the importance of listening and working collaboratively with others to improve teacher education. My goal to support the AMTE mission is to build alliances with colleagues from community, technical, and minority-serving colleges (e.g. Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Hispanic Serving Institutions) to encourage educators from various institutions to share pedagogical strategies, challenges, and research endeavors. Achieving this goal can result in a deeper understanding of ways to improve mathematics teacher education and has the potential to increase the diversity of our AMTE membership.