General |
General Background |
Curriculum |
Assessment |
Instruction |
Technology |
Practices |
Implications for Research |
Higher Education |
Professional Development |
Teacher Education |
General |
General Background |
Curriculum |
Assessment |
Instruction |
Technology |
Practices |
Implications for Research |
Higher Education |
Professional Development |
Teacher Education |
What an amazing conference hosted in Reno this year! We hope that the energy and learning from it has inspired you during this Spring semester. This issue of AMTE Connections looks back on all the work at the conference but also looks forward. Our new president, Farshid Safi, continues the discussion on moving beyond transactional relationships, and STaR Fellows discuss their work around the 5 Practices. And don't forget it's never too early to think about the 2026 conference in Portland. The proposal portal opens in April!
Matt Chedister, Connections Editor