CCSS-M Learning Task Swap Meet 2013

Second Annual CCSS-M Learning Task Swap Meet
held during the 2013 AMTE Conference
Friday, January 25th, 7:30 - 8:45 PM
Rozen Plaza Hotel, Grand Ballroom Foyer

AMTE seeks to support members as they engage pre-service and in-service teachers in learning tasks focused on the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSS-M). One initiative is to create a mechanism for members to share learning tasks that they have used that focus pre-service and/or in-service teachers as they develop instruction designed to implement the CCSS-M.

We are pleased to announce that the CCSS-M Learning Task Swap Meet will take place for the 2nd year. It will be held during the 2013 AMTE Conference on Friday evening after dinner in the Grand Ballroom Foyer from 7:30 - 8:45 PM.

AMTE members who have a learning task to share are invited to participate in the swap meet. In order to facilitate the organization of the swap meet, please provide general information about the learning task you will share by completing this brief survey. Thank you.

* Required


Timely, important updates for mathematics teacher educators.

As we say goodbye to the 2023-2024 school year, it's a great time for thought and reflection. This summer's edition of AMTE Connections intends to provide just that. We have our first set of articles around Artificial Intelligence and Mathematice Education. As we explore teaching ideas on artificial intelligence as well as its ethical and equity issues, we hope to provide new ideas for you to consider in your teaching and research. This issue also features a piece by Hyunyi Jung, AMTE's Early Career Award winner. And, don't forget to consider contributing to the journals that AMTE provides as we continue to learn and grow. We hope you have a restful, rewarding, and productive summer!

Matt Chedister, Connections Editor