AMTE Volunteer Form

Involvement of members is vitally important in furthering AMTE’s Mission to promote mathematics teacher education. Thank you for your interest and willingness to serve the community.


The Volunteer Form has closed. Thank you to those who completed the form. Look for a note from the AMTE President in Summer 2015.


Please provide the following information:

Committee Opportunities

  • Please read the Committee Charges and Activities for more details about the committees you are considering.
  • AMTE Committees conduct much of their work via email, conference calls and web-based meetings (such as Go-To-Meeting). Face-to-face meetings are usually twice a year and arranged to coincide with members’ attendance at the annual AMTE and/or NCTM meetings.
  • To volunteer as a journal reviewer, please see the MTE and CITE reviewer signup pages.

Please rate your interest in serving on the following committees by selecting No Interest, Minor Interest, or Major Interest.

Personal Background

So that we are able to create groups with a range of talent, experience and backgrounds, please share with us your experience and background related to your selections above (limit 7500 characters):

Other Volunteer Ideas

Please use the space below to offer suggestions, provide comments, or indicate other ways in which you would like to be involved. (limit 7500 characters)