2018 Early Career Award Recipient
Sarah Bush
University of Central Florida
Associate Professor

Dr. Sarah Bush is an Associate Professor of K-12 STEM Education at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, FL. She received her doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction with a specialization in Mathematics Education from the University of Louisville. In the past six years, Dr. Bush’s productivity includes 1.6+ million dollars in externally funded projects, 4 peer-reviewed published books, 40 peer-reviewed publications published or in-press, 45 peer-reviewed and invited national or regional presentations, 8 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) leadership and committee appointments, most notably serving as the 2017 NCTM Annual Meeting and Exposition Program Chair, and 2 years serving in an administrative role as an associate dean. Dr. Bush’s most current lines of research include deepening student and teacher understanding of mathematics through transdisciplinary STE(A)M problem-based inquiry and mathematics, science, and STE(A)M teacher professional development effectiveness. Dr. Bush seamlessly integrates her practical experience as a middle school mathematics teacher in public schools with her innovative STE(A)M scholarship to serve as an instructional leader and professional development provider in the field of mathematics education and STE(A)M education.