The Board of Directors of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators has established awards to recognize outstanding work in mathematics teacher education.
Judith E. Jacobs Lecture
Awarded Annually
Recognizes a distinguished mathematics teacher educator with an opportunity to challenge their colleagues on a topic of their choice in a plenary session at the Annual AMTE Conference.
Excellence in Teaching in Mathematics Teacher Education Award
Next Award in 2028
Recognizes a colleague for a unique contribution in teaching that has made a significant and lasting contribution to the pedagogy of mathematics teacher education.
Karen D. King Excellence in Advocacy Award
Next Award in 2029
Recognizes a colleague for a unique contribution in advocacy that has made a significant and lasting contribution to mathematics teacher education, directly and indirectly.
Nadine Bezuk Excellence in Leadership and Service Award
Next Award in 2026
Recognizes a colleague for a unique contribution in service that has made a significant and lasting contribution to mathematics teacher education, directly and indirectly.
Excellence in Scholarship Award
Next Award in 2027
Recognizes a colleague for a unique contribution in scholarship that has made a significant and lasting contribution to mathematics teacher education, directly and indirectly.
Early Career Award
Awarded Annually
Recognizes a mathematics teacher educator who, while early in their career, has made distinguished contributions and shows exceptional potential for leadership in one or more areas of teaching, service, and/or scholarship.
National Technology Leadership Initiative Fellowships
Awarded Annually
Recognizes exemplary presentations related to integration of technology in core content areas at the AMTE Annual Conference.
2025 Award Recipients
Amanda Gantt Sawyer
Marcus Wolfe
AMTE Dissertation Award
Awarded Annually
The annual AMTE dissertation award serves as a means to elevate the work of early career scholars whose research has strong implications for mathematics teacher education that supports preservice and practicing teachers in any of the following ways: to understand the ways in which social, historical, and institutional contexts of mathematics affect teaching and learning; to teach in ways that are responsive to such realities; and to advocate for each and every student.
Mathematics Teacher Educator Outstanding Reviewer Award
Awarded Annually
Recognizes a colleague who, through their service as a reviewer for Mathematics Teacher Educator journal, provided exemplary feedback as part of blinded peer-review of scholarly manuscripts.
Susan Gay Graduate Student Conference Travel Scholarship
Awarded Annually
Provides financial support to graduate students to attend the AMTE annual conference.
2025 Award Recipients
Ishrat Ahmed
Doris Fulwider
Christina Kimmerling
Sheida Moghtader Eslami
Elementary Mathematics Specialist Scholarship
Awarded Annually
Provides funding to support mathematics teachers to enhance their mathematics knowledge, teaching, and leadership while developing expertise as an elementary mathematics specialist.
AMTE Conference Registration & Membership Scholarship
Awarded Annually
The AMTE Conference Registration & Membership Scholarship provides financial support for mathematics teacher educators (MTEs) with limited travel funds to attend the AMTE annual conference. The scholarship aims to provide an opportunity for MTEs to attend the annual conference for the first or second time (see Eligibility section below for details), and to broaden AMTE conference participation to include MTEs from a diverse array of agencies that support mathematics teachers. For the 2025 conference, a maximum of two MTEs will receive the scholarship, which will cover the cost of early registration and one year of membership dues. To qualify, an applicant’s work must focus on the preparation or development of mathematics teachers, and the applicant must show that they have limited travel funds available from their institution or employer.