Excellence in Teaching in Mathematics Teacher Education Award

The Board of Directors of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators has established the Excellence in Teaching in Mathematics Teacher Education Award, to be presented once every four years at the Annual Conference.

The Excellence in Teaching in Mathematics Teacher Education Award is intended to recognize a colleague for a unique contribution in teaching that has made a significant and lasting contribution to the pedagogy of mathematics teacher education. The nominee shall have demonstrated innovative practices in teaching and commitment to mathematics preservice and/or inservice teacher education through one or more of the following areas:

  1. Implementation of effective and innovative teaching practices;
  2. Demonstration of innovative teaching methods (e.g., publications, materials, video);
  3. Recipient of awards in teaching.

Nominate a Colleague

Nominations are due on the date conference proposals are due.

Nominate Someone


List of Excellence in Teaching in Mathematics Teacher Education Award Recipients

Next Award in 2028

Documentation Required for Excellence in Teaching in Mathematics Teacher Education Award

Please be sure that all items are in .pdf.doc, or .docx format, and are clearly labeled with the name of the nominee.

  1. A current vita of the nominee, focused on excellence in scholarship in mathematics teacher education.
  2. A letter of nomination documenting the nominee’s eligibility for the award, related to the criteria listed above.
  3. Additional letters of support (no more than four) for the nomination from individuals knowledgeable of the nominee’s contributions relative to one or more of the criteria stated above.

Nomination Process

AMTE members can nominate a mathematics teacher educator who meets the criteria of the award. Self-nominations will not be considered. Nomination materials should include those stated in each section above.

The committee will review applications in an electronic format; all application materials should be submitted as a single PDF file using the AMTE Award Nomination Form. The deadline for nominations is typically during June.

Nomination Form

Review Procedure

The AMTE Awards Committee, a six-member committee, will review the materials and select the award winner. Nominations will be reviewed by the committee, and the award recipient will be notified as soon as possible to allow for arrangements to attend the AMTE conference.

Roll Over Process

Beginning 2019, nominators can select to have their candidates be considered for the Excellence in Teaching in Mathematics Teacher Education Award up to three years (provided that the nominee is still eligible for the award). Since the award is only given every three years, excellence awards' candidates would have 2 chances to be selected. The individuals nominating the candidates will have the option to opt-in by selecting a box on the application to roll over their candidate to another year. If the nominator decided to opt-in, during the next awards cycle the nominator would be able to submit updated materials, however updated materials are not a requirement. If you have questions about the process, please contact the Associate Vice-President for Awards.


The award recipients will receive a plaque and be recognized at the AMTE meeting in the year in which he or she receives the award. The winner of this Excellence award will be recognized at the annual AMTE meeting and will give a featured presentation at the AMTE Annual Conference in the year they receive the award.