News and Press Releases

Posts of general interest to AMTE members and the public, some with limited time-frame of relevance.

March 12, 2025

The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) affirms our continued commitment to the values and guidance put forth in our long term goals for 2024-28 in support of teacher education and professional development of K-12 teachers of mathematics.

Read the continued commitment here.

August 30, 2024

The Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics (ASSM) and the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) are bringing forth this statement to highlight the need for educators to adopt asset-based practices and perspectives toward mathematics teaching and learning. Asset-based perspectives are essential to fostering positive mathematical identities and students' mathematics learning.

July 9, 2024

The new guidelines describe the necessary mathematics content, pedagogy, and leadership knowledge and skills for Elementary Mathematics Specialists (EMSs) in their broad range of roles and responsibilities. Guidance is provided on the preparation and ongoing support of EMSs and on advocating for practices, structures, and policies that lead to mathematics program improvement.

Find the new guidelines here on AMTE's EMS Initiatives page. 

June 27, 2022

This updated joint position of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE), the Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics (ASSM), NCSM: Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM) and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) calls for elementary mathematics specialists to help ensure equitable and effective mathematics learning for each and every student.

Read the statement here.

June 27, 2022

One goal of AMTE is to improve mathematics teacher education and K-12 education by recognizing the ever-increasing impact of technology on our field. Our organization is thus committed to critically examining how technology intersects our work as Mathematics Teacher Educators (MTEs) and supporting research-based incorporation of technology in our work.

Read the statement here.

April 27, 2022

AMTE advocates for teachers’ freedom to use their expertise and professional judgement to meet the individual needs of all learners in their complex classrooms as they work to teach mathematics in equitable and anti-racist ways. We recognize that mathematics curriculum is multifaceted and needs to represent the diverse experiences, histories, and identities that make up our world. For too long, mathematics curriculum has been presented from one point of view and has ignored contributions from mathematicians of color and from diverse backgrounds, opportunities to use mathematics for liberation, and connections between mathematics and the lived experiences of historically marginalized and minoritized students. It is important that there is diversity in representation and opportunities for learners to engage, explore, connect with, and question the curriculum and to see how mathematics extends beyond their experiences. As an organization, we support mathematics teacher educators and teachers across the nation who are working to bring this authenticity into the classroom to enhance the learning of mathematics for all.

Read the statement here

March 20, 2021

In response to this week's events in Atlanta and the ongoing violence and threats of violence across our country, the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, in collaboration with its sister organizations National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics, Benjamin Banneker Association, NCSM: Leadership in Mathematics Education, School Science and Mathematics Association, and TODOS: Mathematics for ALL, has issued a joint statement on Anti-Asian Racism.

Read the statement here

The statement also includes a list of PK-12 Community Resources curated by a group of educators in California.

June 3, 2020

The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) stands in solidarity with Black Americans in the face of racial injustice. We are dismayed by the inhuman and unjust treatment of Black Americans by law enforcement personnel in recent months with the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery.  We acknowledge the inequities that the pandemic has illuminated related to health care, economic standing, and education. As an organization, AMTE believes that racism must be interrogated in this country. We cannot look at what is happening to Black Americans and other oppressed groups as problems that they alone need to solve.

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A list of resources specifically related to our work as mathematics teacher educators is available on the AMTE Member Bulletin Board. We invite others to submit additional resources to this site to be shared with our mathematics education community. 

February 27, 2020

The Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast accompanies the Mathematics Teacher Educator Journal and is co-sponsored by the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

June 4, 2019

Raleigh NC, June 07, 2019 – The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) is excited to announce the selection of Executive Director Designate, Dr. Shari Stockero from Michigan Tech University, who will begin her term of service as Executive Director in February 2020...

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Shari Stockero
June 24, 2018

Raleigh NC, June 24, 2018 – The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) has as its mission to promote the improvement of mathematics teacher education, K-12. Recently, two highly respected mathematics educators, Dr. Eric Gutstein and Dr. Paul Ernest, have been criticized in a segment of the media for chapters in the volume The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Today, published by Springer as the 13th International Congress for Mathematics Education monograph...

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January 11, 2018

Raleigh NC, January 11, 2018 – Albert Einstein said that everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.  The scholarly community in general and scholars in mathematics teacher education in particular have been coming under attack by people who are oversimplifying important research being carried out, and often the result has been nothing short of vicious and personal attacks on the people producing this important scholarship....

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October 27, 2017

Raleigh NC, October 26, 2017 – The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) has as its mission to promote the improvement of mathematics teacher education K-12. In support of this mission, AMTE recently released volume 3 in their Professional Book Series, Building Support for Scholarly Practices in Mathematics Methods published by Information Age Publishing. A chapter in this volume (Political Conocimiento for Teaching Mathematics:  Why Teachers Need it and How to Develop It) and its lead author, Dr. Rochelle Gutiérrez, have been criticized recently in the media for the chapter’s content....

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April 11, 2017

The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) recently released the first-ever comprehensive standards for the preparation of preK-12 teachers of mathematics. The Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics (SPTM) are a national guide that provides a road map for mathematics teacher preparation and support.

July 15, 2016

AMTE joins the CBMS call for institutions of higher education, mathematics departments and the mathematics faculty, public policy-makers, and funding agencies to invest time and resources to ensure that effective active learning is incorporated into post-secondary mathematics classrooms.