Press Release: First-Ever Standards Released for Mathematics Teacher Preparation

Raleigh, NC — April 10, 2017

The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) recently released the first-ever comprehensive standards for the preparation of preK-12 teachers of mathematics. The Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics (SPTM) are a national guide that provides a road map for mathematics teacher preparation and support.

AMTE promotes the improvement of mathematics teacher education in preK-12. Its members are experts at how children learn mathematics and what teachers do to teach mathematics effectively. The organization’s goals include focusing on successful mathematics teacher education programs and equitable policies and practices related to mathematics teacher education on all levels.

The SPTM set high expectations for developing well-prepared beginning teachers of mathematics. The standards took two years to develop; they offer recommendations for exemplary teacher preparation programs, partnerships with institutions of higher education, the ongoing accreditation of programs, and the shaping of state and national mathematics teacher preparation policy. During the development of the standards, feedback and recommendations were provided by many organizations including the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the Mathematical Association of America and the American Statistical Association.

The research-based standards establish a set of goals for continued development and refinement of teacher preparation programs and research agendas to study the effects of such programs. The standards lay out the knowledge, skills and dispositions needed by teachers who are starting out in mathematics education and describe the qualities of effective programs to produce well-prepared beginning mathematics teachers.

“The Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics are an important first step to specifying what beginning teachers of mathematics need to know and what effective programs look like,” said Nadine Bezuk, chair of the Standards Writing Team and associate dean at San Diego State University. “We cannot understate the importance of partnerships with all stakeholders, including university faculty in mathematics and in education, as well as pre-K-12 teachers and administrators, parents and community members.”

“With the release of the Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics, AMTE is providing leadership to those involved in teacher preparation programs, including mathematics educators and mathematicians,” said Randy Philipp, president of AMTE and professor at San Diego State University. “These standards provide a road map, and we hope they will evoke deep and rich discussions about how we can better prepare teachers of mathematics to meet the needs of each and every student.”

To find out more about the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators and the Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics, visit

Media Contact: Stacey Finkel at or 703-304-1377.


About The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators

The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) is the largest professional organization devoted to the improvement of mathematics teacher education—it includes over 1,000 members devoted to the preservice education and professional development of K-12 teachers of mathematics. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.