Barbara Reys
2014 AMTE Conference Judith Jacobs Lecturer
Barbara Reys
Barbara Reys is a Curator’s Professor and the Lois Knowles Faculty Fellow in Mathematics Education at the University of Missouri-Columbia. She also directs the Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum. Dr. Reys began teaching in 1974 in Blue Eye, Missouri. For the past 30 years she has combined her love of teaching with teacher preparation and research to inform and support classroom instruction. Dr. Reys served as President of AMTE from 2009-11, as a member of the NCTM Board from 2001-04, and as a writing group leader for the NCTM Principles and Standards for School Mathematics . She recently served as a member of the Mathematics Work Team for the development of the Common Core State Standards Initiative and on the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences Writing Team that developed the new guidelines for the preparation of K-12 teachers of mathematics (MET2). Her current research focuses on the role and influence of official curriculum documents including curriculum standards, state-level curriculum frameworks, and district-adopted mathematics textbooks.
Session Description
Curriculum Matters! For Teachers, for Students, and for Mathematics Teacher Educators
“Curriculum” is a broad term describing statements of what is to be learned in school (standards) as well as the instructional tools (textbooks, lesson plans/materials) that teachers use to teach. It is also a means to change and improve learning opportunities for students. This session will highlight issues/events that are impacting the school mathematics curriculum. It will also suggest a path for increasing emphasis on curriculum within mathematics teacher preparation.
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