Challenges and Opportunities on our Journeys of Embodying our Commitment to Equity
2019 Annual AMTE Conference
The Thursday morning opening plenary session is designed to engage conference attendees in collective reflection.
Session Description
AMTE is committed to supporting its members in their process of more deeply addressing equity in their work. For example, the 2017 Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics calls for equity to be a part of all facets of teacher preparation. Although we assume that all AMTE members are committed to equity, we acknowledge that our members have varying degrees of related knowledge and experience. This opening plenary session is designed for mathematics teacher educators to reflect upon their own journeys of embodying their commitment to equity by hearing from some mathematics teacher educators who have been grappling with these issues.

Randy Philipp

Mike Steele

Marrielle Myers

Rochelle Gutiérrez

Kelly MacArthur

Christa Jackson
About the Speakers
Randy Philipp, San Diego State University ▼
Randy Philipp is a professor of mathematics education at San Diego State University (SDSU) and the director of SDSU’s Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education (CRMSE), and he is the president of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE). His research interests include studying teachers’ beliefs, mathematical content knowledge, and teacher noticing, studying the effects on prospective and practicing teachers of integrating mathematics content and students’ mathematical thinking, and studying students’ integer sense. Randy started his career as a teacher in the Peace Corps in Liberia, West Africa and as a mathematics teacher in Los Angeles, California.
Mike Steele, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee ▼
Michael D. Steele is a professor of mathematics education in the School of Education at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He is currently a rotating program officer at the National Science Foundation and the President-Elect of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. A former middle and high school mathematics and science teacher, Dr. Steele has worked with preservice secondary mathematics teachers, practicing teachers, administrators, and doctoral students across the country for the past two decades. He has published several books and journal articles focused on developing mathematics teacher knowledge and supporting teachers in enacting research-based effective mathematics teaching practices. He is the co-author of NCTM’s Taking Action: Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices in Grades 6-8 and several research-based professional development resources for secondary mathematics teachers. He is also the author of A Quiet Revolution: One District’s Story of Radical Curricular Change in Mathematics, a resource focused on reforming high school mathematics teaching and learning.
Marrielle Myers, Kennesaw State University▼
Marrielle Myers is an assistant professor and program coordinator of elementary mathematics education at Kennesaw State University. Her research examines the ways in which we prepare preservice teachers to teach mathematics equitably with a focus on teaching mathematics for social justice. She also works to support preservice teachers of color during their yearlong student teaching experiences. In addition to publishing journal articles and book chapters, Dr. Myers regularly provides professional development with local schools as well as international partner schools in Brazil, Trinidad and Tobago, and Ecuador. She also served as an editorial board member for NCTM’s Annual Perspectives of Mathematics Education: Rehumanizing Mathematics for Black, Indigenous, and Latinx Students and currently serves as an editorial board member for AERJ. Prior to assuming her faculty position, Dr. Myers taught elementary, middle, and high school mathematics in both formal and informal settings. Dr. Myers was also a STaR fellow and an EXCEL fellow.
Rochelle Gutiérrez, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ▼
Dr. Gutiérrez’ research focuses on issues of identity and power in mathematics education, race/class/language issues in teaching and learning, the political knowledge that mathematics teachers need to negotiate high stakes education, and indigenous perspectives on mathematics. She has served on a number of national mathematics panels and committees, including most recently the writing team of the Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics organized by the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. She has earned the Excellence in Research Award from the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators for the work she has conducted and the theories on equity she has offered to the field as well as the Iris M. Carl Equity and Leadership Award from TODOS Mathematics for All for her continued commitment to historically oppressed students in mathematics. Before and throughout graduate school, she taught middle and high school mathematics to adolescents in East San José, California.
Kelly MacArthur, University of Utah ▼
Kelly MacArthur is an Assistant Chair and Instructor Lecturer at the University of Utah (U of U), in the Mathematics Department. She considers herself a practitioner of mathematics teaching at a variety of collegiate levels. Her primary responsibility, passion and focus is on teaching undergraduate courses. Over the years, she has been an active member of the mathematics education group within the U of U Mathematics Department, and taught content courses to preservice K-12 teachers. Currently, she's doing a research project in her large Calculus 2 courses examining (a) reasons for performance differences between womxn and men and (b) what impact assessment structure changes have on student grades, community, confidence and views of re-humanizing the mathematics classroom.
(Note: womxn is intentional. It is intended to be inclusive for students who identify as women, gender-fluid, trans-women, and women of color. It is also intended to raise awareness of bias, discrimination and institutional barriers that womxn disproportionately face in school mathematics.)
Christa Jackson, Iowa State University ▼
Christa Jackson is an associate professor of mathematics education at Iowa State University. Her research focuses on equity issues, teachers’ knowledge and conceptions of equity in the teaching and learning of mathematics, and STEM education. Recently, she and her colleagues developed The Equity Noticing Framework to analyze the ways in which prospective mathematics teachers attend to various elements within classroom episodes. In addition, Christa focuses on the development, use, and implementation of STEM curriculum as well as understanding the influence curricular materials and the standards have on teachers’ practices. She has received numerous grants from the National Science Foundation, Institute of Education Sciences, and Department of Education. Currently, she is serving as a Board Member-at-Large for AMTE and SSMA as well as providing service to NCTM.