Affiliate News
In July 2024, AMTE-TX members provided a strand at the Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT) that included sessions for teachers, coaches, and researchers.
In September 2024, we convened for our AMTE-TX annual conference, hosted by West Texas A&M University in Canyon, TX. Our social hour was held at Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum and many members visited Palo Duro Canyon state to take in the breathtaking vistas.
A highlight of the conference was our panel of speakers on AI: Megan Burton (Auburn University), Cathrine Maiorca (Cal State Northridge), Thomas Roberts (Bowling Green State), and Adrienne Redmon-Sanogo (Oklahoma State). Their session highlighted tips for harnessing strengths and overcoming challenges of AI for MTEs.
We also welcomed a new slate of leadership at the conference. See our website to learn more about our leadership:
Throughout this past year, NYSAMTE elected a new board of officers. We are grateful to Monica Merritt (NYSAMTE Past President) and Charles Benfer (outgoing treasurer) for their service and contribution to the group. The current officers, Blair Izard (President), Elyssa Stoddard (Secretary), and Sophia Reinhardt (Treasurer) are looking forward to playing a larger role in the organization. As a group, we are currently planning future events to be held in the spring 2025 semester, and we hope to bring together a wide range of participants.
In terms of events for the fall 2024 semester: On November 8th, we presented a session at the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State (AMTNYS) Annual Conference in Albany, NY. The session drew many mathematics educators from across the state, and together we discussed some of the challenges we are currently facing. In particular, as the New York State Education Department (NYSED) is making changes to state testing and high school graduation requirements, it was helpful and productive to brainstorm ideas for supporting mathematics teacher candidates and practicing teachers.
On December 10th, 2024, we will hold our annual business meeting, and we look forward to another opportunity to connect with New York State mathematics educators.
To learn more about NYSAMTE, please visit our new website ( or email us at
The Georgia affiliate had a record number of participants at our GAMTE affiliate breakfast at AMTE (picture below). Over the past year we spent time revising our constitution and continue to work on that over the next year. We are also creating a new website and will share that information in the next newsletter. In the meantime, contact President Heidi Eisenreich with any questions or additional information about ways to get involved:
Association of Maryland Math Teacher Educators
News from the Association of Maryland Math Teacher Educators
The Association of Maryland Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMMTE) has had a productive and eventful fall season. In October, many of our members attended and presented at the Maryland Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) Annual Conference, where Howie Hua served as the keynote speaker. This gathering provided an excellent opportunity to reconnect with colleagues and welcome new members to our community. Additionally, AMMTE hosted a successful meet-and-greet during the conference. In November, we organized a series of virtual discussions focusing on timely topics, including edTPA, Artificial Intelligence & Computational Thinking, and Internship Evaluations. Looking ahead, we are excited to host our annual Early Career Teacher Conference on February 1, 2025, at the University of Maryland. We look forward to another enriching event that supports early career educators in the field of mathematics education.
MI-AMTE, with generous support from colleagues at University of Michigan-Dearborn, hosted our annual spring conference, Conversations among Colleagues, on March 16, 2024. This year’s theme was Reframing and Humanizing Mathematics Teaching and Learning, featuring two plenary speakers: Dr. Amanda Jansen from University of Delaware and Dr. Aris Winger from Georgia Gwinnett College. We were all challenged to think about the norms around mathematics that we inherit, which narratives we let live, and how to challenge the culture in order to change institutions, organizations and communities. Wonderful sessions were led by members of the math education community from schools and institutions around Michigan.
We look forward to our 2025 conference at Western Michigan University on March 15, 2025. The theme will be Collaboration for Change-Learning from Each Other. Our plenary speaker will be Dr. Peter Liljedahl, author of the book “Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics: 14 Teaching Practices for Enhancing Learning.”
MI-AMTE recently awarded several mini-grants to members. Drs. Gabriela Dumitrascu and Stephen Blair from Eastern Michigan University and Drs. Nichole Klemmer and Angie Kenrick from Washtenaw Community College received a mini-grant for their project “Content Progression: Mathematics Grades K–6.” Dr. Theresa Grant from Western Michigan University also received a mini-grant for her project “Developing Materials for Grow Your Own (GYO) Math Education classes.” Additionally, Dr. Gina Kling from Hope College and Dr. Jason Gauthier from the Allegan Area ESA received a mini-grant to develop and administer professional development for practicing teachers about fact fluency with their project “A First Step Toward a Fact Fluency Institute.”
Finally, MI-AMTE held their annual spring election, and the following individuals have been elected to serve on the MI-AMTE Board of Directors for 2024-2027: Dr. Jon Hasenbank from Grand Valley State University (President-Elect), Dr. Matthew Wyneken, emeritus from University of Michigan - Flint (Secretary), Dr. Susan Hillman from Saginaw Valley State University (Board Member At-Large), and Nitchada Kamlue from Western Michigan University (Graduate Student Representative). Many, many thanks to these individuals for their willingness to serve on behalf of MI-AMTE!!
To learn more about our organization, please visit
PAMTE held its 18th annual symposium at Shippensburg University from May 14-16, 2024. Plenary speakers included Angela Barlowe, editor of MTLT: K-12, and a panel of past AMTE and PAMTE presidents: Fran Arbaugh, Janet White, and Cynthia Taylor. Attendees included faculty and graduate students from around Pennsylvania and neighboring states. At the business meeting, we thanked elected board members as they completed their terms, particularly president Jodie Styers for her leadership over the years dominated by the pandemic. We welcomed Lara Dick as current president, as well as newly elected board members Courtney Nagle (secretary), Hartono Tjoe (member-at-large: public/private), and Heather Ervin (member-at-large: public). Our 19th annual symposium is planned for May 21-22, 2025, at Shippensburg University.
PAMTE continues to support events that focus on preservice teachers, including this year's Western Pennsylvania Mathematics Teaching and Learning Conference held in October at the Allegheny Intermediate Unit and the Association of Teachers of Mathematics of Philadelphia and Vicinity (ATMOPAV) conference held in April at West Chester University. We are in the process of collaborating with PCTM (Pennsylvania's NCTM affiliate) to combine and streamline our efforts to reach a greater number of preservice teachers with robust programming.
PAMTE is also proud to continue to support the AMTE STaR program. This year, we supported one of our own members, Sean Freeland, who reported that the summer institute was one of the best experiences he's had in his life and career.
Greetings AMTE community! The Associated Mathematics Teacher Educators in Connecticut (AMTEC) is pleased to share that our virtual Fall Conference, “Modernizing Mathematics Teacher Education" was a success. We engaged in a book chat about the recent NCTM publication “High School Mathematics Reimagined, Revitalized and Relevant.” Conversations about the book will be ongoing via a virtual book club over the winter/spring months. Additionally, we learned from a regional panel of experts from University of New Hampshire, Teachers College of New Jersey, and University of Massachusetts Lowell about designing and critiquing Teacher Performance Assessments. The edTPA was recently dropped from Connecticut’s certification requirements, so participants enjoyed considering new possibilities.
In other work, AMTEC will host its annual Preservice Teachers Conference the first weekend in February, 2025. Prospective teachers from across the state will gather to learn from presenters and panelists. Topics include perspectives from student teaching, surviving (and thriving) during the first year of teaching, and building a positive mathematics classroom environment. We are also excited to join with partners across the state to host a screening of the new documentary film Counted Out, on March 5, 2025. Discussions will continue throughout the year.
Questions and inquiries can be sent to
AMTE-NC held our annual Back-to-School event as a virtual meeting in September, focused on the following theme: Intrigued or Inspired: What math is currently intriguing to you or inspiring you? Members brought an article/podcast suggestion, a problem of practice, or a task to discuss in small groups. AMTE President Enrique Galindo welcomed the group and updated us on AMTE announcements.
AMTE-NC also held our in-person Business Meeting, followed by a Preservice Teacher Poster Session, at the state mathematics conference from the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCCTM) in November. AMTE-NC is an affiliate organization of NCCTM, and we look forward to this annual event spotlighting preservice teachers across the state. 32 preservice teachers from six different institutions of higher education presented posters on high-cognitive-demand tasks. With support from their faculty, the preservice teachers planned a task, mapped it to state standards, and provided sample student work for the task. Some of the preservice teachers also engaged session attendees with interactive components of their task to accompany their posters. We congratulate these preservice teachers and thank the faculty and session attendees who supported them.