Summer 2024

Volume No.: 
Issue No.: 

As we say goodbye to the 2023-2024 school year, it's a great time for thought and reflection. This summer's edition of AMTE Connections intends to provide just that. We have our first set of articles around Artificial Intelligence and Mathematice Education. As we explore teaching ideas on artificial intelligence as well as its ethical and equity issues, we hope to provide new ideas for you to consider in your teaching and research. This issue also features a piece by Hyunyi Jung, AMTE's Early Career Award winner. And, don't forget to consider contributing to the journals that AMTE provides as we continue to learn and grow. We hope you have a restful, rewarding, and productive summer!

Matt Chedister, Connections Editor

Teachers and Mathematics Educators as Designers and Users of Objects to Think With: Our Partnership with the National Technology Leadership Summit

Hyunyi Jung, Univ. of Florida

Stories of How Humanization and Systems Affect Individual Lives and Mathematics Learning

This collection of articles is the first set in a series on Artificial Intelligence in Mathematics Teacher Education. A second collection will appear in the Fall 2024 issue.

Start planning to attend the 2025 AMTE Conference in Reno!

Consider nominating yourself or another member for Treasurer or Board Member-at-Large. Nomination deadline is very soon: June 15, 2024.

Research Commentaries in Mathematics Teacher Educator

Learn about contributing a research commentary to MTE.

You can write for CITE-Math!

Learn about contributing to the journal. 

Check out the scholarships available for application this summer!

Find important announcements focused on membership, including travel grants and Community Circles.     

Find the latest podcasts from Teaching Math Teaching

Read about recent happenings for AMTE's affiliates.

Executive Director, Kim Gill, shares updates from AMTE's Board of Directors.

The 29th Annual Conference of AMTE will be held February 6-8, 2025 in Reno, NV. Check out the flyer here. In conjunction with the Annual Conference, the Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership will be offering a conference:

Connections is a quarterly online publication of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. The newsletter offers a peer-reviewed opportunity for members to disseminate information to the mathematics teacher education community.


Editorial Panel