Candidate for President
Megan E. Burton
Auburn University
Associate Professor, Mathematics/ Elementary Education

Participation in AMTE and/or AMTE Affiliates(s)
I began my service as a committee member on the Affiliate Committee in 2011 and served as Committee Chair 2012-2013. During that time, I was appointed to a special task force on nonprofit affiliate status, where we explored the challenges many affiliates encountered when obtaining this status. From 2013-2017, I served as Affiliate Director. At that time, we had several new affiliates join AMTE, and in response to this growth, we began regional representatives for affiliates and established policies for affiliates that do not submit renewal applications and dues. While on the board, as Affiliate Director, I served on a subcommittee that took recommendations from the equity committee and developed the equity position statement in 2016. In addition, I served as an AMTE representative on the NCSM/AMTE Formative Assessment Steering Committee from 2013-2017. This Committee held working meetings, received an NSF grant, created the joint position statement on formative assessment, presented at multiple conferences, and eventually led to the publication of A Fresh Look at Formative Assessment in 2018 by NCTM. In 2017, I was appointed to serve on the Standards Dissemination Task Force, to help raise awareness and promote the use of the Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics. I was also placed on the Constitution and By Laws Committee and became Chair in 2019. We are currently working on establishing articles of incorporation for AMTE, which is important as an organization as we move forward. I also serve on the Conference Program Committee. Each of these experiences have provided unique insights into the various facets of AMTE.
I have been involved in AMTE affiliates since 2006, when I was part of the organizational committee to begin the South Carolina Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (SCAMTE). I served as president elect, then president, and then past president of that organization. In 2012 I moved to Auburn University in Alabama and served as a board member for AMTE-Alabama. From 2015-2019 I served as president elect, president, and past president for that affiliate.
Participation in Related Organizations
I served as NCTM Government Relations Officer for the Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics from 2012-2016. I also served as a representative to Advisory Assembly of South Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics from 2008-2011. In addition, I presented and reviewed at North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, International Congress on Mathematical Education, Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM), Research Council on Mathematics Learning, American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, American Educational Research Association, National Association of Professional Development Schools, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ Conference and Research Conference, Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Fourteenth International Conference Mathematics Education in a Global Community, National Science Teachers Association, and others not as closely related to AMTE.
Qualifications for the Position
AMTE inspires and advocates for our teaching and research in mathematics education and I have experienced this firsthand. Serving AMTE in a variety of ways over the years is a privilege and I desire for others to have these opportunities. My work with affiliates, serving on the board, on the program committee, and other roles allowed me the opportunity to develop a view of the organization with different perspectives and to meet the wonderful diverse members of our organization. Being president of AMTE means being able to hear and see other perspectives and value the many ways our membership supports, empowers, and advocates for mathematics teacher education and the students impacted by our work. As we advocate for equity and social justice in our K-16 mathematics classrooms, the same equity and respect is needed in our organization for the different facets and perspectives of our members. My vision for AMTE and the role of presidency includes advocating for all areas of mathematics teacher education. This includes delegating and facilitating the important work that makes our organization function and ensures everyone has a voice. My research interests center around teacher empowerment, I see empowerment of our membership and organization as an important role for our next president. Listening for and responding to the marginalized populations is vital, in this current climate. AMTE needs to be a voice to help mathematics education improve for all -- for students and its members.
Three Goals AMTE should make a Priority
1. Addressing inequities in education. This includes systemic issues, but also empowering our membership to support individual growth and change in meeting the needs of teacher candidates and all the learners they serve. Part of this includes ensuring a variety of backgrounds are represented in the leadership of our organization, providing spaces for all members to have a voice, and ensuring AMTE is at the table when decisions are being made about the state of mathematics teacher education. While we have discussed this for a long time, it is more crucial now than ever. I believe that the AMTE 2019 conference was one of the most authentic, accepting, challenging, and yet open conferences. This began with the opening session where presenters created a space of inclusion, but also acknowledgement that time, openness, and multiple perspectives are needed to enact growth and change. I think our organization needs to continue this path, where we are supporting individual member growth, but also being a voice for social justice in mathematics education.
2. Empowering members in their teaching, research, and outreach. This includes sharing opportunities, providing professional development, encouraging an ongoing network of collaboration, and providing a space for sharing research and research-based teaching practices. AMTE has a variety of members interested in mathematics teacher education from many different perspectives. Finding ways to unify, but also meet the diverse needs of membership is important. Two places this happens, outside of the conference, is through our website and affiliate organizations. Polling members and examining submissions for our conference are two ways to identify interest and learn about the work our membership does and plan appropriate support for them utilizing webinars, our website, and affiliate organizations. This began with the installation of Associate Vice President for Conferences that has term limits, to ensure new ideas are shared. Creating space on the website and at the conference for membership ideas is another way to ensure everyone has a voice. The current survey is effective, but having a place at the conference, for ideas to be shared immediately and creating a space on the website where ideas can be shared throughout the year could be beneficial. Also perhaps a time where each board member sits at a different round table and members can share ideas about what is working, what could be improved, and questions they have would help ensure all have a voice.
3. Advocating for mathematics teacher education. While supporting our members is critical, we are also the largest professional organization that focuses on mathematics teacher education. Therefore, it is important that we advocate for research-based practices and ensure our voice is heard within the political and educational worlds.
If elected as President of AMTE, I will be grateful for the opportunity and will remember what I have learned from the opportunities I have had. I am excited about the ways my research goals align with the needs of AMTE at this time, and for the opportunity to work with others to empower all mathematics teacher educators and all of our learners. I know the strength of our membership is its diversity, and I look forward to continuing to learn about the interests, work, and needs of our membership so that we can best serve everyone. AMTE has made great strides with the Standards document, etc….and as president, I will continue our mission to advocate for mathematics teacher education. I believe that the strength of our membership is its diversity and it is important to provide voice for mathematicians, mathematics teacher educators, researchers, and those that focus on teaching.