Dissertation Award Self-Nomination Form


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Submissions closed on July 15, 2024. Please watch for a call for nominations for 2025!

The annual AMTE dissertation award serves as a means to elevate the work of early career scholars whose research has substantial implications for mathematics teacher education that supports preservice and practicing teachers in any of the following ways: to understand how social, historical, and institutional contexts of mathematics affect teaching and learning; to teach in ways that are responsive to such realities; and to advocate for every student.

The purpose of this award is grounded in three areas of AMTE’s work:

1) AMTE’s mission to promote improving P-12 mathematics teacher education is inextricably bound to a commitment to developing more effective and socially just education systems.

2) AMTE’s longer-term goal in the strategic plan aims to strengthen the research and research-based practices of mathematics teacher education while supporting mathematics teacher educators in understanding how social and racial justice issues undergird all of our work. and

3) AMTE’s Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics where states, “Well-prepared beginning teachers of mathematics realize that the social, historical, and institutional contexts of mathematics affect teaching and learning and know about and are committed to their critical roles as advocates for every student.”

Eligibility for the award: Early career scholars whose doctoral degree (Ph.D. or Ed.D.) has been conferred by the application’s due date (July 15, 2024) are eligible. Qualified applicants may apply up to two years after their degree is granted, but they can only apply for the award once.

Self-nomination only.

We strongly encourage individuals from historically or currently marginalized backgrounds to apply.

Deadline: July 15, 2024

What the awardee will receive: A plaque and an invited session at the following annual AMTE conference (upcoming conference registration fee covered, unless the registration was already paid, in which case the next year’s AMTE conference registration fee will be covered). In addition, if the awardee is interested, the awardee will be matched with a senior scholar in AMTE to support the mentee in publishing an article related to the awardee’s dissertation.

Please contact research@amte.net with questions.

Nomination Process

Candidates can nominate themselves if they meet the criteria for eligibility. The committee will review applications in an electronic format; all application materials should be submitted as a PDF file using the form below.