On December 9th, Congress jointly approved the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
The American Association of College of Teacher Education (AACTE) has published a statement in response to this action.They caution:
Overall, AACTE supports ESSA for its improvements over existing policy and for returning more power to the states to oversee local PK-12 education. However, certain provisions in the bill could threaten efforts to provide all students equitable access to high-quality teachers and principals. AACTE believes that all students should be taught by a profession-ready teacher who has completed preparation, demonstrated content knowledge and effectiveness, and achieved full state certification or licensure. AACTE members stand ready to assist their states in supporting well-researched, evidence-based approaches to meeting this goal—and steering clear of policies that would undermine it.
To read the entire AACTE statement, click HERE: AACTE Statement on ESEA\
What is your response as a mathematics teacher educator and a member of AMTE? Post a comment below - we'd like to generate a conversation about this historic transition!