Job Description: AMTE Treasurer


Three-year Commitment

Travel and Participation 

AMTE holds two face-to-face board meetings per year and conducts monthly board meetings online the rest of the year.  The AMTE Treasurer meets bi-weekly with the Executive Director to review financial and budgetary information.

  • Face-to-face Board Meetings  AMTE holds two such board meetings each year;
    1. the day before the AMTE annual conference (January or February);
    2. the Monday of NCSM and NCTM Annual Meeting week (usually in April)
  • Monthly Online Meetings: The Board also meets online using Go-To-Meeting, on the 3rd Friday of each month from 12 – 2 PM Eastern Time
  • Bi-Weekly Online Meetings with the Executive Director: These meetings are usually brief, approximately 30 minutes, to review any transactions and upcoming budgetary matters, such as anticipated expenses, categorization of receipts, etc.
  • Travel reimbursement policies
    1. For the twice-annual Board meetings, AMTE will provide a room at a reduced rate or will pay for one day’s hotel accommodations and meals (receipts are required).
    2. AMTE does not reimburse for any type of transportation for the Annual Board meetings.

 Responsibilities of the Position

  • Contribute time, effort and knowledge to advance the objectives of the Board and attain the goals of the organization
  • Act as the custodian of all funds, receiving all dues and other funds, and disbursing all appropriations.
  • Attend AMTE Board meetings and the AMTE Business meeting. Prepare and present reports of the treasury at each of these meetings and an annual report to the membership at the Annual Business meeting.
  • Make copies of AMTE’s financial report and distribute to all Board members at each meeting.
  • Establish and maintain a local bank account (checking and money market) for AMTE funds and work with previous Treasurer to ensure a smooth transition of funds from one account to another.
  • Manage AMTE funds and implement all decisions regarding investment policies.
  • Pay promptly all proper amounts owed by the organization and account for all income and disbursements in an approved accounting format.
  • Assist in budget preparation.
  • Maintain an accurate, up-to-date database of conference registrations.
  • Supervise all activities of appointed assistant.
  • Serve as liaison to Kluwer Publications, the publisher of Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.  This includes accepting subscriptions, maintaining a database of subscribers, and forwarding subscription payments to Kluwer.
  • Participate in online conference call and face-to-face Board discussions.
  • Forward all electronic files of finances to the incoming Treasurer at the conclusion of the term of office.
  • Assist in other Board activities and Task Forces, as needed.
  • File all required reports related to maintaining the official tax status of AMTE.
  • Conduct audits of the records, particularly when a new Treasurer is about to take office.
  • Collect dues from AMTE affiliate groups.

Board Representative Assignment(s):

  • Treasurer serves as the representative to the Membership Committee (and may be assigned to others as needed).

From AMTE Constitution and By-laws:

The Treasurer shall ensure that all revenues and expenditures of AMTE be in conformity with the Constitution, By-laws, and policies of the AMTE; shall be responsible for maintaining records of all monies received and paid in the name of the Association; shall maintain a current and accurate membership list; shall maintain the Association's non-profit status; shall transact the financial affairs of the Association upon recommendation of the Board of Directors; and shall prepare financial reports to be presented at the meetings of the Board of Directors and prepare an annual report to be presented at AMTE's annual business meeting.

For more detailed information including a sample timeline of duties, please see pages 8 – 9 of the AMTE Leadership Handbook (4-17-10), which is located on the AMTE Website at: