7th Grade Math Teacher

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Basalt Middle School

Basalt Middle School is an award-winning school just down the road from Aspen, Colorado. Here is our school website: bms.rfsd.k12.co.us.

We have a 7th-grade math position that just opened and are looking for a teacher who loves to learn and builds enthusiasm, skills, and confidence in students. We have a new curriculum (Illustrative Math Open Up) and smart boards for math teachers with professional development and excellent supports for new teachers.

Here is the link to the application: https://roaringfork.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx.

Come live in paradise and teach math with people who love what they do!

Jen Ellsperman
Principal, Basalt Middle School


Review of Applicants Begins: 
Friday, June 22, 2018
Contact Name: 
Jennifer Ellsperman