The Oregon State University College of Education seeks a full-time postdoctoral scholar for the project Accelerating Learning in K-8 (ALK-8 Project). This position supports the $6.9M contract with the Oregon Department of Education, funded by ESSER III federal funds for education to support those most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The project will unite elementary and secondary subject matter teachers, teacher leaders, school counselors, university faculty, ODE specialists, and other education experts across Oregon to co-design practical and research-based solutions for accelerating K-8 literacies with multilingual learners, learners experiencing disabilities and all students served by Oregon’s public education. The partners in the project will actively be involved in identifying how to advance equitable and just K-8 literacy, including attention to mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA).
The project is to begin immediately, with a period of strategic planning this winter and spring, to hone strategies and tactics and build subject-, level-, and regional working groups. This involves recruiting up to 150 teacher leaders for professional development and co-design resources and tools to support K-8 literacies. The project has a healthy budget to support faculty (and other designated experts), teacher leaders, and teachers across the life cycle of the work. It will wrap up in the summer of 2024 with a state-wide summit targeting 1000 educators, including elementary and secondary teachers and leaders across Oregon.
The postdoc will work as part of the project research team, in charge of conceptualizing and directing project research that supports the evaluation of all educational activities and programs under the contract with PIs, Dr. Jana Bouwma-Gearhart, the Associate Dean of Research, Dr. Rebekah Elliott, Mathematics Education faculty in the OSU College of Education, and other project leadership.