Candidate for Secretary:
Sandi Cooper
Professor of Mathematics Education
Baylor University
Waco, Texas
Past Participation and Involvement in AMTE and/or AMTE Affiliates(s)
As an active member of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, I have served as Affiliates Director (2009-2013), NCTM Representative (2009-2013), member of the Affiliates Committee (2008-2011), member of the Communications Committee (2011-2013), member of the Conference Program Committee (2003-2008), and on the Doctoral Programs Task Force (2005-2006). I served as Conference Program Chair in 2007 (Irvine, CA) and Conference Local Arrangements Chair in 2012 (Fort Worth, TX).
In 2007, I worked to establish an AMTE Affiliate in Texas and became the first President of the newly formed Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators in Texas (2008-2010). In my service as Past-President in 2010-2011, I proposed hosting a Fall conference and then served as Conference Steering Committee Chair in 2013 and 2014.
What qualities do you bring to the AMTE Secretary position?
Based on my long-standing, active membership in AMTE and service on the Board of Directors as Affiliates Director for five years, I feel that I have a historical and governance perspective in regards to how this organization has grown over the past couple of decades. With this in mind, my experiences can serve as a foundation for leading the organization into the future decades to further the primary mission and goals. In addition to my active involvement in AMTE, I have served in various leadership roles in other organizations that has provided opportunities to better understand the functions of professional leadership at national, state, and local levels. As a leader, I strive to be a good listener, orchestrate a team-oriented approach where all voices are heard, stay knowledgeable of current issues, and maintain organization in order to be more efficient. I feel that these leadership experiences will provide the qualifications needed to lead AMTE as Secretary.
What three goals do you think AMTE should make a priority?
In a review of recent goals and priorities and based on my own involvement, there are three goals that I think AMTE should consider as a priority in the coming years. First of all, as stated in recent priorities, AMTE should “Strengthen AMTE’s advocacy for high quality mathematics teacher education in support of quality mathematics teaching.” In recent years, teacher education programs have come under great criticism for not offering quality teacher preparation. In addition, AMTE has always sought to prepare high quality teachers in the area of mathematics. Through effective advocacy, we can be a collective voice to share the outstanding work of mathematics teacher education programs and the critical need for high quality mathematics teachers, especially in the elementary grades.
Another priority, which may actually move this first identified priority forward, would be to strengthen or reorganize the function and structure of the AMTE Affiliates. With 21 active Affiliates, the mission of AMTE could be coordinated within specific states or regions as well as nationally. The structure of the Affiliates could develop into a national network that might lead to a more concerted effort to accomplish the priorities of AMTE.
A third priority that I would propose would be to support the professional growth of the next generation of Mathematics Teacher Educators. AMTE has already led efforts to support early career MTEs and enhance doctoral programs in mathematics education. How can we take this to the next level to prepare the next generation of MTEs to be effectively prepared for the future? AMTE needs to consider the potential issues early career MTEs may have to address in the near future.