Benefits of AMTE Affiliates

The mission of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) is to promote the improvement of mathematics teacher education in all aspects. AMTE recognizes that it is not alone in its efforts and seeks to support the work of other groups that have a similar or related mission. To this end, AMTE recognizes the importance of establishing a network of affiliates and offers the benefits outlined below to its affiliates.

Resources for Affiliates

As an AMTE affiliate, your organization has access to the following:

  • Information regarding how to establish your organization, including not-for-profit/non-profit information
  • Access to articles for use in affiliate newsletters
  • Information/support with regard to establishing and maintaining a website
  • Information regarding how to write position papers
  • Access to an affiliate information link on the AMTE website to promote the work of your affiliate
  • Contact information about AMTE members in your region
  • Connections with other regional affiliate leaders interested in issues mathematics teacher education.
  • The Affiliate Connection Committee and Director to offer support, answer questions, organize virtual meetings with affiliates to discuss issues, and help AMTE best meet the needs of your affiliate
  • A breakfast at the annual conference where your affiliate members can meet, connect, and plan future endeavors
  • A session for affiliate leaders at the AMTE annual conference to discuss needs, learn current AMTE initiatives, and have their voice heard at the national level

Support for Affiliate Initiatives

AMTE supports its affiliates by providing the following:

  • Position statements that impact mathematics teachers education at the national level
  • A nationally-backed, organized vehicle for stating positions, lobbying, and/or making policy suggestions (i.e. state educational licensure); and
  • Contact with a network of nationally recognized experts who could lend support and expertise to state initiatives.

Broadening the Scope and Reach of Affiliate Work

As an AMTE affiliate, you represent a statewide/regional organization for mathematics educators. This allows mathematics educators in the state/region to meet and collaborate on items such as research, state-wide initiatives, etc. AMTE supports this work by providing the following:

  • Networking opportunities with mathematics educators from across the nation; and
  • Access to information that facilitates state organizations in being proactive regarding state/regional issues.

Fostering Deeper Connections between Affiliates and AMTE

  • an affiliate provides the opportunity for members in a region to become more involved in local and regional levels
  • an affiliate also offers a venue for members to become involved regionally with AMTE and learn more about the organization as they transition into leadership roles at the national level



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