Nadine Bezuk Excellence in Leadership and Service Award
Anne Collins
Lesley University
Dr. Anne Collins, the Director of Mathematics Programs and Director of the Achievement Center for Mathematics at Lesley University received the 2013 AMTE Nadine Bezuk Excellence in Leadership and Service in Mathematics Teacher Education Award. As the recipient of the award Dr. Collins will present a talk at the conference entitled, “What Works In Improving In-Service Teacher and Student Achievement in Mathematics.” Dr. Collins' research supports a direct correlation between teacher professional development and improved student achievement on state assessments. Dr. Collins is a founding member of the board of the Massachusetts Mathematics Association of Teacher Educators (MassMATE) and has served as past presidents of state and regional mathematics teacher associations (ATMIM and ATMNE) and on the NCTM Board of Directors. In addition, she was the Massachusetts Statewide Mathematics Coordinator, has taught at every grade level and has served on several state advisory boards for mathematics education. She is the recipient of over $8 million in grant funding to provide professional development in underperforming urban districts.She has, authored or co-authored many teacher resources on formative assessment and materials aligned with the Common Core State Standards. She was inducted into the Massachusetts Mathematics Educators Hall of Fame in 2005.