Candidate for AMTE Board Member-at-Large
Christa Jackson
Iowa State University
Associate Professor of Mathematics Education

Past Participation and Involvement in AMTE and/or AMTE Affiliates(s)
I have been a member of AMTE since I was in graduate school (2007). In addition, I was a member of the STaR Program Committee 2013-2016.
What qualities do you bring to the AMTE Board Member-at-Large Position?
I have served on numerous professional committees both in a leadership position and as a member. In these roles, I have been an active listener and an excellent collaborator. I believe these characteristics are essential for an AMTE Board Member-at-Large. On several committees, I have led efforts to improve, expand, and build on existing policies and procedures to make the committee more conducive and effective for its members. Moreover, I have been an excellent communicator with the committee members and the President of the organization.
My work (research, teaching, and service) focuses on effectively preparing prospective mathematics teachers. For example, I examine ways to prepare elementary and secondary prospective teachers to: (1) be cognizant of their hidden biases, assumptions, and beliefs; (2) understand and realize that mathematics is not a universal language, but is situated in a political context; (3) begin to acknowledge that the traditional, Eurocentric way in which they were taught mathematics is not necessarily appropriate when teaching students from diverse backgrounds; and (4) begin to develop and maintain productive instructional practices when teaching students from diverse backgrounds. My work exemplifies the mission and goals of AMTE as both a mathematics teacher educator and researcher.
What three goals do you think AMTE should make a priority?
- Continually placing issues of equity and social justice at the forefront of AMTE's focus. This goal is critical because it (equity and social justice) is essential in adequately and effectively preparing prospective mathematics teachers. Without foregrounding AMTE's focus in equity and social justice, the work of mathematics teacher educators will be both unproductive and uneventful. Consequently, all students will not have the opportunity to learn challenging mathematics, and the reproduction cycle will continue. Therefore, it is necessary to foreground the preparation of prospective teachers and professional development in equity and social justice when teaching dominant and non-dominant populations.
- Increasing the number of mathematics teacher educators of color in AMTE (membership, etc.) and providing them with resources and supports. This goal is critical because many mathematics teacher educators typically prepare white, middle class prospective teachers whom may not respect mathematics teacher educators of color. The prospective teachers may question their position and credentials. It is necessary to provide support to mathematics teacher educators of color so they can effectively navigate the nuances that occur in the field.
- Providing professional development to mathematics teacher educators that focuses on ways to foreground equity and social justice in preparing prospective mathematics teachers. This is a critical need for mathematics teacher educators because many mathematics teacher educators want to include and ground their instruction in equity and social justice as they prepare their prospective mathematics teachers, but are unsure how to accomplish this task. Since AMTE’s mission is to "promote the improvement of mathematics teacher education, K-12," this goal should be a priority.