Candidate for AMTE Board Member-at-Large
Enrique Galindo
Indiana University
Associate Professor of Mathematics Education

Participation in AMTE and/or AMTE Affiliates(s)
I am currently serving on the AMTE Conference Committee, and I have served on the Communications Committee (2012-15). I have been a member of AMTE's Technology Committee and have also served as Chair for this Committee (2010). I am a founding member of the Hoosier Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (HAMTE), the Indiana affiliate of AMTE. I also served on the HAMTE Board of Directors (2012-16) and served as HAMTE President (2013-15).
Qualifications for the Position
I have found AMTE to be an important organization offering vision and leadership to mathematics teacher educators, work that is very relevant to my research and service activities. My research focuses on teacher preparation and learning mathematics with technology. I have also led several professional development projects working with teachers in the US and in other countries. This set of experiences will help me contribute to the AMTE leadership.
Three Goals AMTE should make a Priority
I think AMTE is making excellent progress towards its goals. I am particularly interested in making sure the organization continues to make progress on the following areas:
- Bridging research and practice to promote effective mathematics teacher education programs and practices. This is critical because we are more likely to impact practice if our efforts are informed by research, and our research is more likely to be relevant if it is grounded in practice.
- Finding ways to take advantage of digital and online resources and tools to support communication and collaboration among those involved in mathematics teacher education. This is critical because the efforts of our organization can be multiplied and we can increase our reach taking advantage of digital technologies.
- Increasing the diversity of mathematic teachers and teacher educators. This is critical because our organization will be stronger when all voices are represented, and we can better improve education if our teachers and teacher educators reflect the make up and values of our nation.