Amanda Gantt Sawyer
University of Georgia,
Athens, Georgia
Ms. Gantt Sawyer is a certified elementary teacher and a former college mathematics instructor at Charleston Southern University (CSU) pursuing a doctorate in Mathematics Education at the University of Georgia (UGA). At CSU and UGA, she has had the privilege of teaching elementary mathematics content and pedagogy courses to both undergraduates and graduate students. Ms. Gantt Sawyer has a masters degree in elementary education and mathematics, and decided to pursue her doctorate in hopes of gaining more knowledge about how to help prospective elementary teachers better facilitate conceptual mathematics learning in their future pupils. After taking courses at UGA and conducting research, she decided to focus her dissertation on the development of preservice teachers into experienced inservice elementary teachers by studying the factors influencing their belief change over time. Ms. Gantt Sawyer hopes to use this knowledge to pursue a career as a university researcher and mathematics educator to help influence future elementary mathematics teachers.
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