2019 Early Career Award Recipient
Christopher C. Jett
University of West Georgia
Associate Professor

Dr. Christopher C. Jett is Associate Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Mathematics at the University of West Georgia in Carrollton, GA. He received his doctorate in Teaching and Learning with a concentration in Mathematics Education from Georgia State University. As a mathematics teacher educator, Dr. Jett has amassed a distinguished record of teaching, research, service, and leadership. His professorial efforts have been supported by various intramural and extramural grants. His current research project, funded via the National Science Foundation’s prestigious Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program investigates the experiences of high-achieving African American male STEM majors at different institution types using qualitative methods and race-based frameworks. His research has appeared in journals such as The Journal of Negro Education, the Journal of African American Studies, and the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (forthcoming), and his practitioner-oriented work has appeared in Mathematics Teacher, Voices from the Middle, and the Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Dr. Jett currently serves on AMTE’s Emerging Issues Committee and NCTM’s Regional Conference Planning Committee. He employs a culturally responsive praxis vis-à-vis his teaching of mathematics courses to prospective K–16 educators and champions the use of culturally responsive practices in his mathematics professional development efforts.