Board Position Description: AMTE Vice-President for Professional Learning

Last revised: 07/09/2019

Name of Office:             

AMTE Vice-President for Professional Learning

Official Charge of the Office (to be added to the AMTE By-laws):

The President shall appoint, based on discussion and approval by the Board of Directors, a member in good standing to serve as the Vice-President for Professional Learning. The work of the Vice-President for Professional Learning facilitates the organization’s ability to support the ongoing mentorship and professional development of its members.  The Vice-President for Professional Learning is charged with the coordination of all activities of the organization related to (1) mentoring early career mathematics teacher education faculty and (2) providing regular, meaningful and varied ongoing professional learning opportunities for its members.


The Vice-President for Professional Learning is appointed by the President, based on discussion and approval of the Board of Directors.

Term of Service: 

  • All Vice-Presidents serve as ex-officio (non-voting) members of the Board of Directors for a three-year term of service, with the possibility of renewal. 
  • If it is determined that a Vice-President (VP) is unable to carry out the duties of the position effectively, then upon recommendation by the President and the approval of the Board of Directors, the VP will be removed from office.  The President will appoint a replacement Vice-President, to be approved by the Board, and the replacement Vice-President will complete the term of office.


  • Six to twelve months prior to succession, the President, with the approval of the Board, will appoint a Vice-President Designee to shadow the current Vice-President in order to become acclimated to the responsibilities and workflow of the division prior to matriculation.

Required Qualifications:

  • Member of AMTE for at least 3 years
  • Associate or full professor or equivalent status
  • Experience supporting professional learning across the career spectrum (should include mentoring early-career mathematics teacher educators and veteran mathematics teacher educators)
  • A commitment to representing AMTE to others in general and representing AMTE vis-à-vis this Division

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Longtime and active member of AMTE who has a track record of successful AMTE presentations and service on AMTE Committees in general and on committees associated with the work of this division in particular
  • Experience coordinating and working well with multiple committees

Responsibilities of All AMTE Vice-Presidents:

AMTE Vice-Presidents serve as leaders who oversee designated areas of work, referred to as divisions.  As such, they are responsible for keeping the calendar for the duties and activities in their division and they are to schedule proactively.  Vice-Presidents delegate work to Associate Vice-Presidents, Directors, and others working with them in their division as appropriate; when bottlenecks arise, they gently but effectively motivate/nudge. Vice-Presidents will work closely with the President, Executive Director, and the Board Liaison, who will support them as needed, including when personnel challenges arise.

  • Regularly Scheduled Board Meetings:  
  • The Board of Directors meet monthly 11 out of 12 months of the year.  Two meetings are face-to-face (see below) and the other meetings are conducted online using meeting software.
  • Face-to-face Meetings: Currently, the full Board meets in face-to-face meetings twice annually:  
  • A full day board meeting one day prior to the AMTE Annual Conference (January or February of each year)
  • A two-day annual retreat held at a time to be scheduled (between May and October), usually at the AMTE Headquarters
  • Representation of AMTE in professional settings:
  • A common responsibility of all members of the AMTE Board of Directors is to represent the organization in professional settings where appropriate. 
  • Reports: Each Vice-President is to produce, in coordination with the Division’s Associate Vice Presidents, the following reports annually to the Board and President:
  • An annual action plan, submitted prior to the first meeting after the Annual Conference, outlining established goals for the upcoming year based on the strategic priorities of the organization and immediate needs and events in their division
  • A mid-term report, submitted by August 1, to the President on the progress toward annual goals
  • An annual report, submitted by December 31, that addresses progress of the past year, reports annual activities in light of strategic priorities, and articulates long-term plans
  • Fiduciary Responsibilities:
  • Budgetary Support: The Vice-President will submit an annual budgetary request to meet the work and goals of the division. Budgetary decisions are made before the end of the current fiscal year for the next fiscal year and are considered and approved by the AMTE Board.
  • Revenue Generation: The Vice-President will submit an annual plan describing how the division will generate operating revenue for AMTE with a projection of the dollar amount funds to be generated.
  • Promoting Access, Equity and Excellence:
  • Work with all other Vice-Presidents and the Associate Vice-President for Equity to insure each division’s annual action plan includes an action plan and benchmarks addressing the AMTE goal to promote access, equity, and excellence
  • Collaborate with committees within the division and with other divisions and committees to assure advocacy, equity, and excellence are made explicit in the ongoing work of AMTE
  • Work with the President, President-Elect/Immediate Past President, and Executive Director to include in the division, to the extent possible, diversity with regard to gender, geographic representation, race and ethnicity and paying attention to representation of members from various types of institutions and positions
  • Facilitation of Organizational Communication and Work Productivity:
  • Work closely with any Associate Vice-Presidents or Directors in this division to establish yearly goals and to support their work, including the preparation and delivery of their annual reports
  • Work with the Associate Vice-Presidents or Directors to ensure that committees in the division are operating robustly, effectively, and productively
  • Communicate closely on an ongoing basis with the Board liaison to the division
  • Contribute relevant updates periodically to the Connections newsletter
  • Coordinate the posting of timely information and updates on the AMTE website
  • Communicate/collaborate with constituents outside the organization as needed and is appropriate

Responsibilities of the Vice-President for Professional Learning:

The Vice-President for Professional Learning is responsible for coordinating and overseeing the professional support of AMTE’s diverse membership, which includes mathematics teacher educators at every level (e.g., graduate student and early-career mathematics teacher educators, mathematicians working in mathematics education, veteran university mathematics teacher educators, coaches and district mathematics teacher educators) that work with prospective and practicing mathematics teachers, on all aspects of the career spectrum from graduate student to full professors.

  • Develop an agenda (goals and plan) for the Division of Professional Learning in coordination with the associate vice-presidents, who are chairs of the Professional Development, Technology, Conference Program Committee, Conference Committee, and STaR Fellows Program Committee, and the Board Liaison
  • Attend to the implementation of the agenda
  • Create an annual plan for professional learning goals that reflects the current AMTE strategic priorities and the professional learning needs of the membership
  • Ensure each committee's work is aligned with the charges specific to the AMTE committee
  • Collaborating and coordinating with committees within the division and with other divisions and committees to assure the work in professional learning is made explicit in the work of AMTE
  • Hold regular meetings of the associate vice-presidents, who are chairs of the Professional Development, Technology, Conference Program Committee, Conference Committee, and STaR Fellows Program Committee, for the purpose of maintaining communication across the ongoing work within the family
  • Collaborate with Vice-Presidents of other divisions as necessitated by the ongoing work in Professional Learning
  • Maintain regular communication with the Board Liaison about the ongoing work in Professional Learning and any challenges in implementing the work
  • Oversee AMTE-supported mentoring across the career spectrum, including graduate, early-career, mid-career, and late-career mathematics teacher educators
  • Work closely with the Conference Committee and the Professional Development to include experiences that extend and enhance the reach of the Annual Conference
  • Remain current with trends and issues in professional learning and with technologies to engage learners in online environments

Assistance and Support:

To complete the responsibilities associated with the Division of Professional Learning, the Vice-President for Professional Learning will receive the following types and levels of support:

  • Stipend: Currently, this position is a volunteer service position and does not have a stipend associated with the service.
  • Recognition: AMTE will acknowledge and report annually the extent of a Vice-President’s service to the Vice-President’s home institution or organization, specifically to the departmental head and/or supervising dean (or other direct superior) of the Vice-President.
  • Budgetary Support: AMTE will support each division with the budgetary funds necessary to accomplish the goals and activities of the division.  In addition to requested designated budgetary funds, each division will have a limited amount of undesignated budgetary funds to support the division.
  • Additional Support: The Vice-President for Professional Learning fulfills the responsibilities of the position with the support of the AMTE Headquarters staff and the Executive Director.  In addition:
  • The Vice-President for Professional Learning, in consultation with the President and Executive Director, will appoint the Associate Vice-Presidents, with a clear charge for each based on the responsibilities of the division (Associate Vice-President for Professional Learning, Associate Vice-President for Conferences, Associate Vice-President for Annual Conference Program, Associate Vice-President for Technology, Associate Vice-President for STaR Program)
  • The Vice-President for Professional Learning, in consultation with the President and Executive Director, may appoint individuals, task forces or subcommittees as needed to address specific tasks or issues to meet the goals of professional learning.

Travel Expectations and Support

  • Travel to the AMTE Annual Conference and to the AMTE Annual Board Retreat
  • For the Board Meeting at the AMTE Annual Conference, at a minimum, AMTE will pay the equivalent of one additional day for hotel accommodations and meals. Travel expenses for this meeting are not reimbursed.
  • For the Annual Board Retreat, AMTE will reimburse travel expenses and travel-related meals, and will provide accommodations and meals during the retreat.
  • Willingness to represent AMTE at other professional meetings, as needed
  • Funding may be allocated to support attendance at professional meetings to represent AMTE in an official capacity, with the Board’s approval.

Annual Timeline of Duties, Activities and Responsibilities

The following annual timeline of duties, activities, and responsibilities is not included in a Vice-President’s charge; this timeline of activities is more fluid and may change over time. However, the calendar is quite helpful to describe the workflow on an annual basis.  This timeline should be revised regularly by current Vice-Presidents and shared with incoming Vice-Presidents.

NOTE: The Annual Timeline has not been completed. This timeline will have to be updated once vice-presidents are appointed. Initial responsibilities of the Vice-President will need to be incorporated.


At AMTE Conference:

  • Attend AMTE Board Meeting and Conference
  • Report of the Division at the AMTE Annual Business Meeting on matters of interest to members











