Dr. Marilyn E. Strutchens is a Mildred Cheshire Fraley Distinguished Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Curriculum and Teaching at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama where she serves as coordinator for the secondary mathematics education program and co-director of TEAM-Math (Transforming East Alabama Mathematics). TEAM-Math is a National Science Foundation-funded Math and Science Partnership between Auburn University, Tuskegee University, and 14 school districts in East Alabama. She is also the director for TEAM-Math’s Secondary and Elementary Teacher Leader Academies funded by NSF’s Noyce program.
Dr. Strutchens teaches graduate courses on research, equity, and assessment issues in mathematics education. A major theme of her work is linking research to practice and practice to research. Her goal has been to conduct research that illuminates what happens in the classroom in order to effect positive change. All of her work shows the importance of hearing the voices of the key constituents involved in the mathematics education of students and the school, societal, and race/ethnicity factors that influence students’ achievement. She has an undergraduate degree in fashion merchandising and a masters’ and Ph.D. in mathematics education from the University of Georgia.