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CalTeach Berkeley

The CalTeach program at the University of California, Berkeley invites applications for a pool of qualified temporary non-tenure track lecturers for its undergraduate education courses, should an opening arise. All of these positions will be taught in person.

CalTeach Berkeley courses include introductory seminars focused on science or math teaching in elementary and middle schools, Knowing & Learning in Math and Science, Classroom Interactions: Focus on Equity in Urban Schools, Research Methods, Project Based Instruction, History of Science and Math, and Apprentice Teaching for student teaching support.

General Duties: Teaching or co-teaching a CalTeach course includes holding office hours, assigning grades, advising students, attending monthly faculty meetings, and preparing course materials. Responsibilities may also include assisting with student field placements in local schools, providing supervision and support to student teachers in their classrooms, and supporting CalTeach students through the credentialing process. For upper-division courses, supervision of a graduate student instructor who co-teaches and supports the course may also be expected. Successful temporary lecturers will teach or co- teach one or more CalTeach courses.

Review of Applicants Begins: 
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
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