We are looking to hire four postdoctoral researchers interested in mathematics education and cognition, broadly construed. The RISE Postdoctoral Training Program seeks applicants who want (a) to push the frontiers of inclusive mathematics education and (b) to achieve sustained impacts by ensuring greater participation in STEM by learners from diverse groups. The program is led by a core team of established researchers who lead a wide range of funded projects. Fellows will have opportunities to engage in ongoing projects and to develop new projects with members of the team.
The positions are 2-year, full-time, benefits-eligible and pay $70,000 per year. Annually, each position will also include $2,500 in flexible research funds and support for travel to two research conferences. Please navigate to this page for more information about the position and how to apply.
Please share this email or the linked e-flyer with any candidates who may be interested. You can also email the name and contact information of potential candidates to RISEPostDoc@wcer.wisc.edu, and we will be in touch with them.
The RISE Team