Apply to the Membership Scholarship! Are you a new member hoping to attend the 2026 conference in Portland, Oregon? Great news: The Membership Division will offer a Conference Registration and Membership Scholarship to support a new member to pay for a 1-year AMTE membership and early conference registration fees. If you apply, be sure that you wait to register after this award is announced and that you are able to attend the conference. The application for this scholarship is due in mid-July 2025.
The Membership Committee continues to promote member benefits and support the 12 active Community Circles, which allow members to discuss and explore common interests throughout the year. We encourage everyone to read through the current Community Circles and join a circle that interests you! If you have an idea for a new Community Circle, contact Beth MacDonald ( with any questions or fill out the Community Circle interest form!
If you are not yet an AMTE member, consider joining! Our membership benefits include:
- Discounted registration fees for the AMTE Annual Conference (discount often exceeds annual member dues)
- Free subscription to Mathematics Teacher Educator
- Free access to AMTE Webinars, both live and recorded
- Free Connections Newsletter (published four times per year)
- Discounted subscription rates for the JMTE Journal
- Member-curated Job Listings in Mathematics Teacher Education
- Member Bulletin Board for sharing events, resources, and opportunities
- Opportunities to network with other professionals with common interests
- Regular email updates on emerging issues, resources, and important dates