Submitted by TJacobbe on Mon, 12/30/2013 - 11:00pm Javascript is required to view this map.FacultyNumber of full-time faculty in mathematics education: 3Number of post-doctoral faculty in mathematics education: 1Number of adjunct faculty in mathematics education: 2 Doctoral Students in Mathematics EducationNumber of FEMALE part-time doctoral students: 2Number of part-time doctoral students: 3Number of full-time international students: 2Number of full-time doctoral students: 10Number of FEMALE full-time doctoral students: 7Number of MALE part-time doctoral students: 1Number of MALE full-time doctoral students: 3 Financial SupportAcademic year (9-month) stipend for teaching/research assistantship?: 11000Percent of tuition waived for doctoral students on teaching/research assistantships?: 100Does your institution have scholarships/fellowships dedicated to doctoral students in mathematics education?: Yes PrerequisitesMathematics background: 1 General Program RequirementsIs there a residence requirement?: YesIs competency in a foreign language required?: No Profile of students entering doctoral program during the most recent academic year.Number of students admitted this year: 4Average GRE Quantitative score: 670Average GRE Verbal score: 445Number of students with K -12 mathematics teaching experience: 2 Length of programTypical number of years of full-time work required to complete doctorate when entering with a masters degree: 4 years Program GraduatesNumber of mathematics education doctoral graduates in 2007: 2Number of mathematics education doctoral graduates in 2008: 1Number of mathematics education doctoral graduates in 2010: 2Number of mathematics education doctoral graduates in 2011: 2Number of mathematics education doctoral graduates in 2012: 2Number of mathematics education doctoral graduates in 2013: 2 During the last 5 years, the number of Ph.D. graduates that took positions inmathematics departments: 3schools of education: 3 To find more information about this program:Contact Name: Tim JacobbeContact Email: jacobbe@coe.ufl.eduCity Website: Website: Website: