The Judith E. Jacobs Lecture
2015 Annual AMTE Conference

Nadine Bezuk
Nadine Bezuk is the Director of the School of Teacher Education and the Qualcomm Endowed Professor of Mathematics Education at San Diego State University, where she has taught since 1987. She served as a member of the AMTE Board of Directors for 20 years, including serving as President from 1997 to 1999 and Executive Director from 2001 - 2014.
Dr. Bezuk directs SDSU's Professional Development Collaborative, which created a math specialist certificate program for elementary and middle school teachers in 2000. She was a member of the Teaching Mathematics Advisory Panel of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing that developed standards for California's Mathematics Specialist Credential. In 2011, she was the first recipient of the Nadine Bezuk Award for Excellence in Leadership and Service in Mathematics Teacher Education from AMTE. Dr. Bezuk is an author of an elementary mathematics methods textbook and has written and spoken about developing students' fraction understanding and about enhancing teachers' knowledge and teaching practice.
Session Description
Supporting Elementary Teachers in Developing Their Mathematics Teaching
What are we, as mathematics teacher educators, doing in our work to support elementary teachers’ development of their mathematics teaching? I will share examples of current practices and raise questions about other things we might do, individually and as an organization, to enhance the support elementary teachers receive.