Instructional Contexts and Methods
- Barkatsos, A., & Malone, J. (2005). A typology of mathematics teachers’ beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics and instructional practices. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 17(2), 69-90.
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- Cobb, P., & McClain, K. (2002). Supporting students’ learning of significant mathematical ideas. In G. Wells & G. Claxton (Eds.), Learning for life in the 21st century: Sociocultural perspectives on the future of education, (154-166). Oxford: Blackwell.
- Groth, R., (2007). Understanding teachers’ resistance to the curricular inclusion of alternative algorithms. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 19(1), 3-28.
- Groves, S. (2012). Developing mathematical proficiency. Journal of Science and Mathematics, 35(2), 119-145.
- Herbel-Eisenmann, B.A., Lubienski, S.T., & Id-Deen, L., (2006). Reconsidering the study of mathematics instructional practices: The importance of curricular context in understanding local and global teacher change. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 9 (4), 313-345.
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Student Characteristics and Achievement
- Ma, X. (1999). A meta-analysis of the relationship between anxiety toward mathematics and achievement in mathematics. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 30(5), 520-540.
Teacher Beliefs
- Barkatsos, A., & Malone, J. (2005). A typology of mathematics teachers’ beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics and instructional practices. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 17(2), 69-90.
- Hart, L. (2002). A four-year follow-up study of teachers’ beliefs after participating in a teacher enhancement project. In G.C. Leder, E. Pehkonen, & G. Torner (Eds.), Beliefs: A Hidden Variable in Mathematics Education?, (pp. 161-176). Netherlands: Kluwer.
- Nathan, M.J., & Koedinger, K.R., (2000). An investigation of teachers’ beliefs of students’ algebra development. Cognition and Instruction, 18(2), 209-237.
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- Turner, J.C., Warzon, K.B., & Christensen, A. (2011). Motivating mathematics learning: Changes in teachers’ practices and beliefs during a nine-month collaboration. American Educational Research Journal, 48(30, 718-762.
- Walshaw, M. & Anthony, G. (2007). Policy implementation: Integrating the personal and the social. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 8, 5-22.
Teacher Collaboration, Communities of Practice, and Professional Learning Communities
- Cobb, P., & McClain, K. (2006). The collective mediation of a high-stakes accountability program: Communities and networks of practice. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 13(2), 79-99.
- Dooner, A-M., Mandzuk, D., & Clifton, R.A., (2008). Stages of collaboration and the realities of professional learning communities. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24, 564-574.
- Koellner-Clark, K. & Borko, H. (2004). Establishing a professional learning community among middle school mathematics teachers. Proceedings of the 28th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2, 223-230.
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- Slavit, D., Kennedy, A., Lean, A., Nelson, T.H., & Deuel, A. (2011). Teacher Education Quarterly 38(3), 113-131.
- Stein, M.K., Silver, E.A., & Smith, M.S., (1998). Mathematics reform and teacher development: A community of practice perspective. In J.G. Greeno & S.V. Goldman (Eds.), Thinking practices in mathematics and science learning (pp. 17-52).
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Teacher Education and Strategies
- Fernandez, A. (2012) Mathematics preservice teachers learning about English Language Learners through task-based interviews and noticing. Mathematics Teacher Educator, 1(1), 10-22.
- Roth McDuffie, A., Foote, M.Q., Bolson, C., Turner, E.E., Aguirre, J.M., Bartell, T.G., Drake, C., & Land, T. (2014). Use of video analysis to support prospective K-8 teachers’ noticing of students’ multiple mathematical knowledge bases. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 17(3), 245-270.
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Teacher Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching
- Groth, R.E., & Bergner, J.A., (2013). Mapping the structure of knowledge for teaching nominal categorical data analysis. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 83, 247-265.
- Magiera, M.T., van den Kieboom, L.A., & Moyer, J.C. (2013). An exploratory study of pre-service mathematics teachers; knowledge of algebraic thinking. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 84(1), 94-113.
Teacher Professional Development and Change
- Boylan, M. (2010). ‘It’s getting me thinking and I’m an old cynic’: Exploring the relational dynamics of mathematics teacher change. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 13, 383-395.
- Clarke, D., & Hollingsworth, H. (2002). Elaborating a model of teacher professional growth. Teaching and Teacher Education, 18 (8), 947-967.
- Diezmann, C.M., Fox, J.L., deVries, E.B., Siemon, D.E. & Norris, G.B., (2007). Investigating the learning of a professional development team: The years 1-3 Mathematics Probes Project. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 8, 94-116.
- Fishman, B.J., Marx, R.W., Best, S. & Tal, R.T., (2003). Linking teacher and student learning to improve professional development in systemic reform. Teaching and Teacher Education, 19(6), 643-658.
- Gresalfi, M.S., & Cobb, P. (2011). Negotiating identities for mathematics teaching in the context of professional development. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 42(3), 270-304.
- Groth, R., (2007). Understanding teachers’ resistance to the curricular inclusion of alternative algorithms. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 19(1), 3-28.
- Hart, L. (2002). A four-year follow-up study of teachers’ beliefs after participating in a teacher enhancement project. In G.C. Leder, E. Pehkonen, & G. Torner (Eds.), Beliefs: A Hidden Variable in Mathematics Education?, (pp. 161-176). Netherlands: Kluwer.
- Herbel-Eisenmann, B.A., Lubienski, S.T., & Id-Deen, L., (2006). Reconsidering the study of mathematics instructional practices: The importance of curricular context in understanding local and global teacher change. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 9 (4), 313-345.
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- Nelson, T.H., & Slavit, D. (2008). Supported teacher collaborative inquiry. Teacher Education Quarterly, 35(1), 99-116.
- Turner, J.C., Warzon, K.B., & Christensen, A. (2011). Motivating mathematics learning: Changes in teachers’ practices and beliefs during a nine-month collaboration. American Educational Research Journal, 48(30, 718-762.
- Walshaw, M. & Anthony, G. (2007). Policy implementation: Integrating the personal and the social. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 8, 5-22.
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