Appalachian Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AAMTE)

Appalachian Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AAMTE)

Last modified: 
02/24/2015 - 5:51pm
Year Established as AMTE Affiliate: 

The general purpose of AAMTE is to promote all aspects of the improvement of mathematics teacher education in central Appalachia with special attention paid to the Appalachian regions of Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.  Specifically, its goals are to:

A.   Encourage, support, and publicize quality programs for prospective
mathematics teachers at all levels.

B.  Facilitate communication among mathematics teacher educators at the elementary, secondary, community college, college and university levels.

C.  Facilitate collaboration among mathematics teacher educators who are members of different educational administrative units, such as departments of mathematics and departments of education. 

D.  Promote and publicize quality professional development for teachers of mathematics at all levels.

E.  Work collaboratively with other associations and organizations concerned with the preparation and professional development of mathematics teachers.

F.   Provide leadership opportunities for mathematics teacher educators in a broader mathematics education community;

G.   Work cooperatively with local, state, and regional agencies to enhance the mathematical, pedagogical, and clinical preparation of prospective teachers of mathematics at all levels.

H.   Encourage research related to mathematics teacher education, especially research which identifies factors that contribute to improving the preparation and professional development of mathematics teachers at all levels in Appalachia.

Year Lapsed: 
Sun, 02/10/2013