CITE: Call for Articles on Video-enhanced Experiences in Teacher Education

Call for Papers - Special Issue Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education

Video-enhanced experience in teacher education and professional development

Guest editors: Simon Flandin (University of Geneva, Switzerland), Valérie Lussi Borer (University of Geneva, Switzerland) & Cyrille Gaudin (University of Limoges, France)

Recent literature reviews in the field of video-enhanced teacher learning (e.g. Gaudin & Chaliès, 2015) show that video viewing has been increasingly used over the past 10 years in teacher education and professional development in all subject areas, at all grade levels, and all over the world. Three main reasons are identified: (i) video is an “artifact of practice” that helps create a link between the traditional theoretical education at the university and classroom practice; (ii) video viewing has been greatly eased by technical progress (e.g., digitalization, storage, edition, annotation); (iii) video viewing is a means to facilitate the implementation of institutional reforms.

The effects of video on the development of teachers’ abilities (e.g., noticing relevant features, reflecting on practice) are well documented. However, little is known about teacher and facilitator experience in video-enhanced educational situations and about how to develop user/learner experience design for video-enhanced teacher learning. How do teachers' video-enhanced experiences improve their capacity to perform effective teaching in their classroom? How can we design better programs enabling (i) teachers to live such constructive experiences and (ii) facilitators to enact more efficient educational practices? Improving our knowledge on these two specific points holds promises for the design of new programs and can be a very valuable and innovative “research and design” area. This special issue addresses such questions within different disciplinary and content-related contexts, using a variety of foci and methods to elicit teacher experience and/or facilitator experience in video-enhanced educational settings.

Specific topics may include, but are not limited to:

●  Video-enhanced instructional design

●  User/learner video-enhanced experience

●  Teacher learning/change

●  Professional vision

●  Distance/flipped/blended learning

●  Video clubs

●  Workplace learning

This call solicits research articles that address one or more of the areas of focus listed above, as well as all four core content areas represented by CITE Journal: English/Language Arts Education, Social Studies Education, Mathematics Education and Science Education. The special issue should foster scientific novelty and originality aiming at advancing our knowledge in the area of video-enhanced experience in teacher education and professional development.

Interested scholars should submit a manuscript following the CITE journal’s guidelines for authors by December 16, 2016, selecting “Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education – Video Special Issue” on the “Choose Journal” screen. Early submissions are encouraged. Each proposal will undergo a rigorous review of the editorial board who will decide if it is eligible for double-blind peer review. Should it be the case, at least three experts of the special issue review board and regular CITE reviewers will recommend rejection, revisions or acceptance. Questions regarding the special issue should be directed to Simon Flandin <>.


December 16, 2016:    Manuscript submission deadline

February 18, 2017:      Guest Editors’ eligibility feedback will be given to authors

July 15, 2017:              Reviewers’ feedback will be sent to selected authors

September 15, 2017:   Revised manuscripts due from authors

November 11, 2017:    CITE Journal Section Editors’ final feedback

December 15, 2017     Final revised manuscripts due from selected authors


Gaudin, C., & Chaliès, S. (2015). Video viewing in teacher education and professional development: a literature review. Educational Research Review, 16, 41-67.

CITE journal Guidelines for authors

CITE journal