The AMTE Standards Dissemination Task Force has been hard at work this spring providing colleagues within and outside our organization opportunities to engage with the Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics and make sense of how these standards will influence their work. Following the launch of the Standards in February, AMTE representatives have made presentations about the standards at ASSM, NCTM, NCSM, the Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences, and the Wisconsin Mathematics Council. In the next 18 months, the Task Force plans to engage many more of our sibling groups with the Standards through presentations and discussions, including NAEYC, CAEP, AMLE, the Joint Mathematics Meetings, and AACTE.
The Task Force has also begun producing a series of brief (1-3 minute) videos from members of the writing and leadership teams that highlight important aspects of the standards. Randy Philipp’s video message with an overview of the standards is available on the AMTE website, and look for two additional videos in the next few weeks discussing how learning trajectories and teacher identity are represented in the Standards. Please feel free to make use of these videos with colleagues, district partners, and administrators as you help us spread the message about the Standards!
Finally, the Task Force has partnered with the Professional Development Committee to present a series of four webinars that represent deeper dives into the Standards, which will take place throughout the 2017-2018. Look for the first webinar to take place in July!