Using Virtual Coaching to Assess Fieldwork in Mathematics Teacher Preparation
Alesia Mickle Moldavan & Karen Andronico, Fordham University
The authors report implementation efforts using a video technology application, known as GoReact, to facilitate virtual classroom teaching observations and enhance teacher candidates' field-based assessments in mathematics teacher preparation programs. They discuss the user-friendly, interactive features of GoReact and provide insights into the feedback received by teacher candidates and university supervisors, who experienced GoReact as an effective virtual coaching tool for real-time feedback and reflection.
Taking Clinical Observations Digital
Jenna Menke & Kelly W. Edenfield, University of Georgia
Due to a variety of pandemic-related issues during teacher candidates’ clinical experience, the authors report on a digital platform they used to conduct live and recorded observations and to provide feedback to their teacher candidates. Moving forward, they intend to continue using this platform to rethink student teaching supervision and the training of university supervisors and mentor teachers.
Responding to Current Field Experience Challenges with the Virtualization of Number Talks
Candace Joswick, University of Texas at Arlington, Audrey Meador, West Texas A&M University, Nicole Fletcher, Fairfield University, Kimberly Conner, University of Northern Iowa, & Brandon McMillan, Brigham Young University
The authors describe “Virtual Number Talks,” a field-tested adaptation of the PreK-12 classroom Number Talks routine for use in online teaching settings. They also share a related Teacher Learning Cycle, used in mathematics teacher education courses with online field experiences, to support teachers’ development for and use of Virtual Number Talks.
Reflections on Changes in Field-related Experiences during COVID-19
Liza Bondurant, Delta State University
The author describes four field-related course modifications, specifically using manipulatives, implementing an instructional task, observing in classrooms, and teaching lessons. These changes were related to both the preparation provided to the preservice teachers and their ways of engaging with and implementing field-based components, while remaining true to course goals and objectives.
Transitioning to Emergency Remote Teaching of Mathematics
Ann H. Wallace & Cheryl Beverly, James Madison University
The authors highlight some of the issues of emergency remote teaching, with connections to AMTE’s underlying assumptions and standards for beginning teachers of mathematics, and also provide suggestions. Additionally, they share how one placement classroom teacher helped her teacher candidate navigate obstacles during a remote clinical experience.
Developing Infrastructure to Support Teacher Candidates during Emergency Remote Clinical Experiences
Ruthmae Sears, University of South Florida, Jeremy Zelkowski, University of Alabama, Belinda P. Edwards, Kennesaw State University, & Cynthia Castro-Minnehan, University of South Florida
The authors describe a study conducted in Spring of 2020 that examined the roadblocks multiple universities faced to offer clinical experiences for teacher candidates. They summarize a number of key ideas and methods in which mathematics teacher educators made adjustments to their typical program structures to navigate the roadblocks for teacher candidates to graduate or complete the semester.