News from CITE-Math Journal

Shannon Driskell and Ann Wheeler, as CITE–Math Editors, would like to thank Chrystal Dean from Appalachian State University and Patricia Moyer-Packenham from Utah State University for their 3 years of service on the CITE–Math Editorial Panel. Chrystal and Patricia were both extremely valuable panel members as they provided excellent reviews. We welcome to the Editorial Panel Mary Enderson from Old Dominion University and Mustafa Demir from University of Detroit Mercy as they began their 3-year term at the conclusion of the 2021 Annual AMTE Conference.  

We thank all of our other Editorial Panel members for their continued support, especially during this pandemic academic year, including: JoAnn Cady (University of Tennessee), Tracy Goodson-Espy (Appalachian State University), Mi Yeon Lee (Arizona State University), Allison McCulloch (University of North Carolina at Charlotte), and Jason Silverman (Drexel University). In addition, we are very appreciative of our reviewers who have supported CITE-Math during this pandemic academic year, including: Rachel Harrington (Western Oregon University), Avery Harrison (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), Daniel Ilaria (West Chester University), Amy Roth McDuffie (Washington State University), S. Asli Ozgun-Koca (Wayne State University), Drew Polly (University of North Carolina at Charlotte), Robert Powers (University of Northern Colorado), Sherri Prosser (Austin Peay State University), Lindsay Reiten (University of Northern Colorado), Rebecca Shepherd (United States Naval Academy), Daniel Tillman (University of Texas at El Paso), Cacey Wells (Appalachian State University), Rob Wieman (Rowan University), Xiangquan Yao (Pennsylvania State University), Jennifer Zakrzewski (Charleston Southern University), and Rose Zbiek (Pennsylvania State University).

If you are interested in being a reviewer, please go to and select “Sign up as a reviewer”. You will need to select CITE–Math as the journal you are willing to review. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education–Mathematics (CITE–Math) is an online, open-access publication that provides teacher educators with a forum for sharing best practices about the use of technology in the teaching of mathematics at both preservice and inservice levels. Both research and practitioner manuscripts are welcome, and a wide range of formats and approaches to scholarship are accepted in CITE–Math, including: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methodological research studies; theoretical papers; and innovative teacher education practice papers. CITE–Math welcomes the inclusion of various media in submissions, including applets, color graphics, photographs, and video.