Affiliate Corner

Affiliate News


Association of Maryland Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMMTE)

The Association of Maryland Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMMTE) will host a series of virtual discussions on Friday November 1st, 15th, and 22nd from 9:00-10:30am. Each discussion will focus on a particular topic including: Licensure support (Praxis/edTPA/PPAT), Technology (AI/Computational Thinking), and Internship (evaluations and new state requirements). Additionally, our annual Early Career Teacher Conference will be held on Saturday, February 1, 2025, at University of Maryland, College Park. The call for proposals will come out this fall. If you aren't already a member, please join AMMTE. Membership is only $20 per year. Visit AMMTE - JOIN to complete the membership information.

The New Jersey Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators  (NJAMTE)

The New Jersey Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, NJAMTE,  held their fifteenth annual conference on Friday, June 7, 2024 at The College of New Jersey. The theme of the conference was "Supporting Mathematics Teachers to Navigate the Evolving Socio-Cultural, Political, and Technological Landscape".  Our keynote speaker, Dr. Farshid Safi of the University of Central Florida, spoke on De-Siloing Teacher Education:  Focusing on Equitable Teaching Practices. We had presenters who spoke on using AI to teach math equitably and how to use it to transform mathematics teaching.  Others spoke on the relevance of hands-on technologies, interventions to improve teaching confidence in pre-service elementary teachers, a mathematics textbook collaboration with LaTex, and about findings from an NSF online practice suite project for pre-service secondary teachers.  Below are photos of some of our presenters.

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Pennsylvania Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (PAMTE)

PAMTE held its 18th Annual Symposium May 15th and 16th, 2024 at Shippensburg University. The first plenary speaker, Dr. Angela Barlow of the University of South Alabama, spoke to best practices for teaching mathematics and how these practices might be useful for rethinking how we prepare teachers of mathematics. Plenary speakers on the second conference day were Dr. Fran Arbaugh (Penn State University), Dr. Cynthia Taylor (Millersville University), and Dr. Janet White (Millersville University). As past presidents of AMTE/PAMTE, they engaged in conversations around three important topics in mathematics teacher education: Linking Research and Practice, the Student Teaching Experience, and Mathematics Teacher Recruitment.

The PAMTE Symposium Committee is currently planning the 2025 conference (May 21st and 22nd , 2025). Featured speakers next spring include AMTE President-Elect, Dr. Farshid Safi, and Dr. Lynsey Gibbons from the University of Delaware. PAMTE is looking forward to this upcoming opportunity for collaboration and networking. Any questions about the symposium can be sent to

Managing your Affiliate Page in the AMTE Affiliates Directory

Is your affiliate’s page in the AMTE Affiliates Directory up to date? One representative from each affiliate can be granted access to edit that affiliate’s information in the online directory. Each affiliate page includes an overview section that can link to the affiliate website, a list of affiliate leaders, and a section for additional information. To find out more about managing your affiliate’s webpage, go to The link to the AMTE Web Team provides an easy way to register or change your affiliate representative. 

Your AMTE Affiliates Connections Committee

The 2024 ACC members and the regions/affiliates they serve appear below.

Pamela Bailey

ACC Chair

Facilitates all ACC Reps

Rebecca Borowski  

West Region


Maria Franshaw

Midwest Region


Nicolette Nalu

Southeast 1 Region  


Johanna Massey and Torrey Kulow  

Southeast 2 Region


Robin Anderson

Northeast Region



The Affiliates Connections Committee and Chair can be contacted through the email address or through contact information provided at