AMTE (2015) defined equity as “access to high-quality learning experiences; inclusion for all learners, mathematics educators, and mathematics teacher educators; and respectful and fair engagement with others.” Building on this definition, in 2022, AMTE published a Statement on Equitable and Inclusive Mathematics Teaching and Learning, stating
“it is essential that teachers recognize and respect all students–including those that have been historically marginalized and minoritized based on factors such as race, class, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation, religion, immigration status, etc.–in ways that allow them to bring their full selves into the learning space.” (AMTE, 2022)
These statements are similar to and in support of the increasing number of mathematics education researchers, organizations, and policy statements in recent years that have called for culturally responsive curricula to increase equitable access to explore, understand, and respond to social injustices, and foster students’ positive mathematical identities through broadening the purposes of learning mathematics (e.g., Berry et al., 2020; D’Ambrosio, 2017; Leonard et al., 2010; Nasir, 2002; Nasir & Cobb, 2002; NCTM 2018, 2020a, 2020b; TODOS, 2020). These written documents align with what many mathematics educators have shared through conference presentations.
As the AMTE Equity Committee, we “promote awareness, understanding, and sustained attention to equity in mathematics teacher education to ensure that it is part of the work of all MTEs” (AMTE website). Previously, the equity committee has conducted two surveys to understand how AMTE members conceptualize equity (Suazo-Flores et al., 2020). Additionally, resources were cultivated to spread awareness of equity (AMTE Website). Building on this work, we sought to understand how mathematics teacher educators engage in work for equity. We conducted a longitudinal analysis of the past five years of presentations at the AMTE Annual Conference to understand and inform members about the aspects of equity and social justice research that is going on in our field.
We examined accepted AMTE Annual Conference sessions from 2019-2023 (N=1355 total presentations) to answer the following questions: (1) What has been the equity focus of AMTE Annual Conference presentations over the past five years?, and (2) How can these findings inform future conferences and help make the AMTE conference more inclusive? The committee used publicly available data from conference program books shared on the AMTE website. The data consisted of presentation year, session titles, descriptions, and strands. A filtering process was then used to compile an initial list of equity-related sessions. This process included all sessions submitted to the Equity and Social Justice strand and any sessions that contained an equity-related word (i.e., justice, identity, diversity, etc.) in the title or description. This resulted in an initial list of N = 508 sessions (Table 1).
Table 1. Equity Focused Sessions |
Year |
Total Sessions in Conference Book |
Initial Filtering - Equity Focused |
After Coding - Equity Focused |
Percent of Equity Focused Sessions |
2019 |
288 |
96 |
54 |
18.8 % |
2020 |
260 |
84 |
47 |
18.1 % |
2021 |
242 |
92 |
52 |
21.1% |
2022 |
257 |
99 |
71 |
27.6 % |
2023 |
308 |
137 |
104 |
33.8 % |
Total |
1355 |
508 |
328 |
24.2 % |
Thereafter, an open coding process was used to analyze the connections to equity, which allowed us to explore and find patterns within the data. After we had a consensus on coding from all five members of the equity committee for N=60 sessions and a list of multiple categories based on a random sample of the sessions, two members of the committee coded each of the remaining sessions. Table 2 shares three examples from the initial coding. From this process, 328 sessions were categorized as being equity-focused based on their titles and descriptions and also resulted in new categories emerging.
Table 2. Examples of Coding |
Title |
Description |
Strand |
Coding |
Cultivating conversations of implicit biases with case-based instruction |
This presentation examines how preservice teachers respond to case-based instruction that engages them in meaningful conversations about implicit biases in mathematics methods courses. recommendations will be shared for using case-based instruction to address issues of equity in mathematics teacher preparation. |
Supporting each and every student |
Research Type - Not specified ESJ Focus - Bullying and (Anti-)Bias, Equitable Mathematics Teaching Practice Participants - PST Content Connections - Not Specified |
Unsettling folks to move towards antiracist praxis through collaborative mathematics teacher educator self-study |
In this discussion session, we examine how mathematics teacher educators leverage self-study methodology to examine identities, interrogate biases, and re-envision approaches in preparing mathematics teachers. This approach supports MTEs and PK-12 teachers to disrupt bias and racism in schools. |
Development of mathematics teacher educators |
Research Type - Empirical/ Report of Study ESJ Focus - Race and ethnicity, Bullying and (Anti-) Bias, Identity Participants - IST, MTE Content Connections - Not Specified |
Using the analysis of a large traffic stop dataset to facilitate conversations around systemic racism |
In this session we will describe how mathematics preservice teachers engaged with a large traffic-stop dataset to investigate issues around racial bias in policing, with the purpose of increasing their awareness of structural racism. |
Equity, social justice, and mathematics teacher education |
Type of Research - Practitioner/ Action Research ESJ Focus - Race and ethnicity, Rights and Activism, Equitable Mathematics Teaching Practice Participants - PST Content Connections - Probability/ Statistics and Data Literacy |
Following the creation of multiple different categories, we recategorized to form the bolded subcategories described in Table 3. We recognize that multiple equity and social justice topics can belong in the subcategories, the committee grouped and collapsed codes based on our own expertise and research, such as that from Learning for Justice topics as well as codes that emerged through the coding process. In the next section we will share results from this analysis.
Table 3. Categories for Coding |
Categories |
Subcategories |
Type of Research |
Equity and Social Justice Focus |
Research Participants |
Content Connections |
The first category we looked at was the type of research, and we coded the data within 4 subcategories - empirical/report of study, not-specified or informational session, practitioner/action research, and theoretical. Figure 1 shares the results, which show that for just over one-half of the sessions, we were unable to determine what type of study was being reported on. For the remaining sessions, 29% described empirical/report of study, 14% described practitioner or action research, and 3% were theoretical.
Figure 1
Results for Type of Research
Figure 2
Results for Equity and Social Justice Focus