Winter 2019

Volume No.: 
Issue No.: 

This issue includes a new video feature, an introduction from AMTE's President, Michael Steele.  Also, the President's message suggests that this is a time for renewal through service to AMTE. There are announcements of the newly elected members of the AMTE board and the 2020 AMTE Awards recipients.  There is information on our affiliates, great news from the STaR program, a very interesting article presenting results of a national survey regarding the current state of mathematics education, and the Emerging Issues Committee invites us to attend their advocacy breakfast. In addition, there is important information about the 2020 Annual Conference.

James A. Telese, Editor

This is a Time for Renewal!

Congratulations to the newly elected members of the AMTE Board of Directors.

The AMTE 2020 Annual Conference Committee would like to introduce themeselves.

Attend the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference in Phoenix, AZ February 6-8, 2020!

Kristen A. Malzahn, Horizon Research, Inc.

Select findings about the nature of K-12 mathematics instruction from a national survey are shared.

Congratulations to the AMTE Awards Recipients!

Information about and recent happenings for AMTE affiliates.

Jaime Diamond, University of Georgia, Crystal Kalinec-Craig, University of Texas, San Antonio, and Jeff Shih, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Two STaR Fellows describe their collaborative research experience.

Announcing an upcoming webinar detailing findings from the 2018 NSSME+ survey from Horizon Research!

AMTE's Emerging Issues Committee will host a special session at the Annual Conference.

AMTE's Publications Page

Our redesigned page is your connection to AMTE-sponsored journals, books, and other monographs, including special calls for articles.

View Page

The Mathematics Teacher Educator Journal

The current September 2019 issue is available. 

Episode 7 and Episode 8 of the MTE podcasts are now available!

Connections is a quarterly online publication of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. The newsletter offers a peer-reviewed opportunity for members to disseminate information to the mathematics teacher education community.


Editorial Panel