2025 Annual AMTE Conference

Twenty-Ninth Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators

2025 AMTE Annual Conference in Reno, Nevada, February 6-8, 2025

Conference Updates-Schedule Changes

Hotel Information     Featured Sessions     Call for Proposals     View Conference Program   

The Annual AMTE Conference provides inclusive opportunities for a diverse community of mathematics educators to share current research and practice findings.


Get the Free Conference App

  • Plan your schedule
  • Find session rooms, speakers, and attendees
  • Share documents, participate in Q&A sessions
  • Engage through social media
  • To access the app, please do the following: 
    1. Download Guidebook from the Apple App Store or Google Play. 
    2. Click Find Guides at the bottom of the main page of the app. 
    3. Select “Have a passphrase?”, enter the passphrase amte2025, and then select Continue. 
    4. Open the Conference Guide. 

  • If you are unable to access the conference Guidebook, please contact amte-support@amte.net for assistance.

  • Conference App Features!

Registration Information

Conference registration fees differ by date and membership status, with the opportunity to join or renew during registration. 

K-12 Program - Saturday, February 8
AMTE indentified sessions to be of interest to K-12 audiences. For the first time, AMTE will offer a one-day Saturday registration that includes lunch for K-12 educators.
Member & Non-Member $55

Virtual Option 

View Virtual Schedule here.
AMTE is offering a virtual option to attend this year’s conference. In addition to being able to attend the opening keynote session and two plenary sessions, virtual attendees will have three concurrent sessions during most time slots throughout the three-day conference.

Regular Member

Early Registration 
(by Oct 15, 2024)

Regular Registration 
(by Jan 31, 2025)


Regular Member Registration             




Graduate Student Member*

Early Registration 
(by Oct 15, 2024)

Regular Registration 
(by Jan 31, 2025)


Student Member Registration




* Students must have a current Graduate Student Verification Form on file, or submit one with registration.



Early Registration 
(by Oct 15, 2024)

Regular Registration 
(by Jan 31, 2025)

Non-Member Conference Registration



Cancellation Policy

Family Policy & Resources

Code of Conduct



Opening Session

Opening Session (Thursday, February 6, 8:15-10:00 am Pacific Time) 
Moving Beyond Transactional Relationships in Educational Spaces 


Beth Herbel-Eisenmann

Michigan State University

Nicol Howard

University of Redlands

Lateefah Id-Deen

Kennesaw State University

Carlos Lopez Leiva

University of New Mexico

Farshid Safi

University of Central Florida


This session will be an interdisciplinary panel representing multiple stakeholders and teacher education perspectives to discuss “Moving Beyond Transactional Relationships in Educational Spaces”. A rich discussion addressing mutually beneficial partnerships including school districts, teacher preparation programs leveraging research informed practices and a shared leadership approach to move beyond transactional relationships to meet the needs of our communities in various educational spaces.

Featured Sessions

Advocacy Lunch: Thursday

Disability Justice in Mathematics Education: Perspectives, Frameworks, and Implications for Practice 



Rachel Lambert

University of California Santa Barbara


Katherine Lewis

University of Washington

Daniel Reinholz

San Diego State University

Lisette Torres-Gerald


Honora Wall

The Dyscalculia Training and Research Institute

Cathery Yeh

University of Texas at Austin


This webinar will consist of a panel of researchers discussing their work in disability justice as it relates to mathematics education. The panel represents a wide range of foci across the spectrum of disability including dyscalculia, universal design for learning, and intersections between race and disability. By integrating insights from the panelists’ diverse areas of expertise we will engage attendees in a wide-ranging discussion on disability math education, addressing challenges, sharing best practices, and advocating for inclusive educational policies and practices.


Judith Jacobs Lecture: Thursday
Navigating Oz: My Journey with Three Essential Companions


Dorothy Y. White

University of Georgia


For many, the road to a career as a mathematics teacher educator is clearly paved and the journey is exciting and welcoming. For others, the path is rocky and the journey is confusing, scary, and lonely. Using The Wiz and the Wizard of Oz as metaphors, I share how my journey began with a commitment to equity in mathematics, the triumphs and challenges along the way, and the importance of traveling with my three companions. I end the presentation with paths the field must travel to unveil racism in our current educational landscape and how intellect, compassion, and courage will be necessary to reimagine a more humanizing and just mathematics education for every student, preservice teacher, classroom teacher, mathematics educator, and researcher. 

Judith Jacobs Lecture: Friday
Drawing lessons from history as we navigate the present: Learning from Mathematics Educators who navigated the U.S. Civil Rights Movement


Robert Berry

University of Arizona


This presentation utilizes the oral histories from the Teachers in the Movement project to delve into the ideas and teaching methods of mathematics educators during the U.S. Civil Rights Movement, both within and beyond the classroom. Through the accounts of these educators, we gain insight into how their teaching, curriculum, and community involvement served as impactful forms of activism that contributed to the movement. This presentation will challenge us to draw lessons from history as we navigate the present.

2025 Karen D. King Excellence in Advocacy Award

Congratulations to Julia Aguirre, the recipient of the Karen D. King Excellence in Advocacy Award.

No more long-game: Replacing academic apartheid with math joy and justice now!


Julia Aguirre

University of Washington


After 25 years as a critical equity scholar in mathematics education, I’ve noted limited progress in dismantling structures that harm and dehumanize students’ math identities, agency, and advancement, especially for global majority students underrepresented in STEM. We must rethink our advocacy approaches to end academic apartheid in mathematics education now! In this interactive session we will explore examples on how to organize and take immediate action in our work as mathematics teacher educators to dismantle interlocking systems of oppression including racism, sexism, classism, and ableism. Our goals: End academic apartheid and cultivate joy and justice in mathematics education forever.

Hotel Reservation Information

The host hotel for AMTE's Twenty-Ninth Annual Conference is the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino. Attendees are responsible for managing hotel reservations. A credit card is required to guarantee the reservation. Please contact the hotel directly to book, modify, or cancel hotel reservations.

The AMTE group block is available to book via the Grand Sierra booking link until the block is full or through January 13, 2025.  The hotel will charge $4.95 for reservations made by phone. 

Group Rate:

Room Type Tuesday 2/4/2025 Wednesday 2/5/2025 Thursday 2/6/2025 Friday 2/7/2025 Saturday 2/8/2025
Sierra  Standard Room $69.00 $69.00 $69.00 $149.00 $149.00

A $10.00 resort fee plus 13% tax will be charged per room night. 
A daily $2.00 tourism fee and $1.99 housekeeping gratuity per room per day will be charged to the guest folio as well. 

Minority and LGBTQIA+ Owned Reno Businesses and Restaurants

    Call for Proposals is Now Closed

    All Academic
    The proposal submission deadline was on May 15, 2024.


    Call for Proposals

    For 2024 -2028, the AMTE Board named the following long-term goals:


    1. Challenge and support mathematics teacher educators to engage with and take action on issues of social and racial justice in their work.

    2. Support and provide guidance on the high-quality preparation, recruitment, retention, and diversification of mathematics teachers across the variety of educational spaces.

    3. Engage in community building and other efforts to support the recruitment and retention, diversification, and professional learning of mathematics teacher educators and leaders who serve in a variety of educational contexts.

    4. Strengthen the research and research-based practices of mathematics teacher educators to serve the evolving needs of students, educators, schools, and communities.

    When submitting proposals to any of the nine presentation strands, we encourage proposal writers to highlight connections to these goals (when appropriate), as well as the AMTE Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics (where appropriate). Connections to the standards and assumptions featured in AMTE’s Standards document are listed at the end of the nine presentation strand descriptions. 

    Please carefully read the Call for Proposals pdf linked below. This document includes detailed information about the presentation strands, submission requirements, and proposal review criteria.

    Follow us on Twitter (@AMTENews) and Facebook (AMTE.net)