Over the last year, the AMTE Board has been engaged in identifying long-term priorities for the first time in the organization’s history. The process began in October 2019 with a needs assessment within the AMTE Divisions. The work continued prior to and during the 2020 conference by soliciting input from our members—first through a member survey and then through in-person opportunities at the conference. Following the conference, the board synthesized the division and member input and began to identify long-term goals for our organization. Although the work was delayed due to our leadership’s attention being diverted to address priorities surfaced by the pandemic, the board has now identified four long term goals.
Underlying all four goals is AMTE’s organizational commitment to furthering social justice and equity through our work as mathematics teacher educators. We recognize the longstanding structural inequities embedded in the teaching and learning of mathematics that have contributed to significant opportunity gaps for students and teachers with respect to mathematics. Our work as an organization must attend to the active support of more equitable and antiracist mathematics teaching and to the education and support of mathematics teacher educators in ways that provide meaningful opportunities to teach and learn for every mathematics student and teacher.
Long-Term Goal 1: Provide resources and strategies for recruitment, retention, and diversification of the mathematics teacher pipeline.
Long-Term Goal 2: Provide resources and strategies for recruitment, retention, and diversification of the mathematics teacher educator pipeline.
Long-Term Goal 3: Engage mathematics teacher educators in opportunities designed to strengthen the research and research-based practices of mathematics teacher education, with a commitment to supporting understanding of how issues of social and racial justice undergird all of our work.
Long-Term Goal 4: Develop systematic processes for studying progress towards and effectiveness of actionable items embedded in the long-term goals.
The next step in the planning process is to identify short-term actions that will allow us to achieve these goals. We invite members to share their feedback at any time during the process. You can do so by contacting President Mike Steele, President-elect Megan Burton, Executive Director Shari Stockero, or any AMTE Board member. See the AMTE Leadership page for contact information.