2025 Annual AMTE Conference

Twenty-Ninth Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators

2025 AMTE Annual Conference in Reno, Nevada, February 6-8, 2025

Grand Sierra Resort

Call for Proposals is Now Closed

All Academic
The proposal submission deadline was on May 15, 2024.

For 2024 -2028, the AMTE Board named the following long-term goals:

  1. Challenge and support mathematics teacher educators to engage with and take action on issues of social and racial justice in their work.

  2. Support and provide guidance on the high-quality preparation, recruitment, retention, and diversification of mathematics teachers across the variety of educational spaces.

  3. Engage in community building and other efforts to support the recruitment and retention, diversification, and professional learning of mathematics teacher educators and leaders who serve in a variety of educational contexts.

  4. Strengthen the research and research-based practices of mathematics teacher educators to serve the evolving needs of students, educators, schools, and communities.

When submitting proposals to any of the nine presentation strands, we encourage proposal writers to highlight connections to these goals (when appropriate), as well as the AMTE Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics (where appropriate). Connections to the standards and assumptions featured in AMTE’s Standards document are listed at the end of the nine presentation strand descriptions. 

Please carefully read the Call for Proposals pdf linked below. This document includes detailed information about the presentation strands, submission requirements, and proposal review criteria.

At a Glance

  1. The conference begins the morning of Thursday, February 6, 2025.
  2. Sessions run all day Thursday and Friday, and during the morning on Saturday.
  3. The conference ends around lunchtime on Saturday.


    Registration and Hotel Reservations

    Conference registration and hotel booking information coming soon.

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